Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz: I was a beggar. Now I live in the future

— In Poland, it is not always remembered that the prime minister’s power is very far-reaching. It can’t do everything, but it can do a lot. Those were different times and Jarosław Kaczyński was also different – said Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz on TVP Info. He said that the premiere period was the most important in his life. He also stated that Jarosław Kaczyński gave him a free hand in many matters. — He dealt with the secret services and the prosecutor’s office. “I met with him for a maximum of 60 minutes a week,” he said.

Marcinkiewicz, who was prime minister from September 2005 to July 2006, stated that Jarosław Kaczyński decided to dismiss him out of fear of the politician’s growing popularity. — He noticed that in polls my public trust exceeds 73%. and with such social support I can rise above him – said the TVP Info guest.

He also admitted the difficulties he faced in 2018-2019. – I was a beggar. I had no job, no one wanted to hire me, I had no money, I was kicked out of my apartment. I met good people who, for example, gave me PLN 100 for the weekend to do some shopping. Now I live in the future, he said.

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After being dismissed from the position of head of government, Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz became the acting president of Warsaw. In 2006, he ran for this position on behalf of PiS, but lost to Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz. Later he worked, among others, at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Goldman Sachs Group.

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He left PiS in 2007. Later, he was known mainly for moral scandals – first, the politician declaring conservative values ​​separated from his wife, with whom he had four children, in 2009 to marry the much younger Izabela Olchowicz. The politician and his second partner willingly shared information about their relationship with the media. The marriage ended in 2016. For several years, news from their court battle leaked to the media, including: regarding the amount of alimony that Marcinkiewicz was supposed to pay to his ex-wife. The politician evaded them, and as a result, the bailiff auctioned his apartment. Marcinkiewicz also talked about his financial problems in the FAKT LIVE program.

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