Kawaguchi Haruna is No. 1 in the number of companies using her! ~ Trends in the advertising industry as seen in TV commercials (Kanto, Kansai, and Nagoya regions)

This article is recommended for these people!

  • People who are interested in trends in the advertising industry, including TV commercials
  • Those who want to know which celebrities appear frequently in TV commercials
  • People who are interested in trends in TV commercials featuring celebrities

In video research,Collecting TV commercial advertising information from all over Japan 24 hours a day, 365 days a yearand has compiled it into a database.

This data, which serves as core information for the television industry, is widely used by those who want to understand the current state of television commercial advertising in specific industries or companies, and those who want to find best practices for their proposal activities.

From this, we regularly introduce the latest trends in TV commercials so that you can understand the latest trends in the advertising industry.
In this article,CM advertising trends and CM talent rankings for the first half of 2024 for the Kanto, Kansai, and Nagoya areasWe would like to introduce you to the following.

1. CM appearance talent ranking ~Kanto is “Haruka Ayase”, Kansai is “Kento Kaku”, and Nagoya is “Mana Ashida”! ~

The “TV Commercial Appearance Ranking” is a ranking of celebrities based on the number of seconds their commercials were aired on television.

<Kanto Region CM Appearance Celebrity Ranking TOP 3>

In the Kanto region, Ayase Haruka came in first place, just like the previous year.
The top 3 are as follows:

*The indicators ↑→↓ are based on the rankings for the same period last year.

→1st place: Haruka Ayase (Main commercial appearances: “UNIQLO”, “Alinamin Pharmaceutical”)
↑2nd place: Ayami Nakajo (Main commercial appearances: “Indeed”, “Comic Seymour”)
↑3rd place: Tetsuro Degawa (Main commercial appearances: “Softbank”, “Nagatanien”)

In the Kansai region, Kaku Kento, who was third last year, came in first place.
The top 3 are as follows:

*The indicators ↑→↓ are based on the rankings for the same period last year.

↑1st place: Kento Kaku (Main commercial appearances: “Japan Kentucky Fried Chicken”, “Kao”)
→ 2nd place: Mana Ashida (Main commercial appearances: “Softbank”, “SBI Insurance”)
↓3rd place: Haruka Ayase (Main commercial appearances: “Uniqlo”, “Alinamin Pharmaceutical”)

<Nagoya area CM appearance talent ranking TOP 3>

In the Nagoya area, Ashida Mana came in first place, just like the previous year.
The top 3 are as follows:

*The indicators ↑→↓ are based on the rankings for the same period last year.

→1st place: Mana Ashida (Main commercial appearances: “Softbank”, “Suzuki”)
→ 2nd place: Haruka Ayase (Main commercial appearances: “UNIQLO”, “Alinamin Pharmaceutical”)
↑3rd place: Kento Kaku (Main commercial appearances: “Japan Kentucky Fried Chicken”, “Kao”)

★This article introduces the top three “TV Commercial Appearance Celebrities Rankings,” but we have also published a report compiling information on the top 20 (free of charge). You can download the report here.

2. Ranking of celebrities by number of companies using them in commercials ~ Haruna Kawaguchi is number one in both Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya! ~

The “Talent Ranking by Number of Companies Appearing in CMs” ranks celebrities based on how many companies’ TV commercials they have appeared in.


<Top 3 talents used in commercials in the Kanto region>

In the Kanto region, Kawaguchi Haruna came in first with 22 companies, up from 19 companies last year.
The top 3 are as follows:

*The indicators ↑→↓ are based on the number of companies hired in the same period of the previous year.

↑1st place: Haruna Kawaguchi (Main commercial appearances: “NIDEK”, “LIFULL”)
↑2nd place: Kento Kaku (Main commercial appearances: “Kao”, “Japan Kentucky Fried Chicken”)
↑3rd place: Mana Ashida (Main commercial appearances: “Softbank”, “SBI Insurance”)

<Kansai region CM number of companies hiring talent ranking TOP 3>

In the Kansai region, Kawaguchi Haruna came in first with 21 companies, up from 17 companies last year.
The top 3 are as follows:

*The indicators ↑→↓ are based on the number of companies hired in the same period of the previous year.

↑1st place: Haruna Kawaguchi (Main commercial appearances: “NIDEK”, “LIFULL”)
↑2nd place: Kento Kaku (Main commercial appearances: “Japan Kentucky Fried Chicken”, “Kao”)
↓3rd place: Mana Ashida (Main commercial appearances: “Softbank”, “SBI Insurance”)

<Top 3 talents used in commercials in Nagoya area>

In the Nagoya area, Kawaguchi Haruna came in first with 20 companies, up from 16 the previous year.
The top 3 are as follows:

*The indicators ↑→↓ are based on the number of companies hired in the same period of the previous year.

↑1st place: Haruna Kawaguchi (Main commercial appearances: “NIDEK”, “Hamazushi”)
↑2nd place: Kento Kaku (Main commercial appearances: “Japan Kentucky Fried Chicken”, “Kao”)
↓3rd place: Mana Ashida (Main commercial appearances: “Softbank”, “Suzuki”)
↓3rd place: Masami Nagasawa (Main commercial appearances: “Asahi Soft Drinks”, “B.W.D. Japan”)
↑3rd place: Mei Nagano (Main commercial appearances: “Mos Food Services”, “Suntory”)
↓3rd place: Kanna Hashimoto (Main commercial appearances: “Suzuki”, “Asahi Beer”)
↑3rd place: Minami Hamabe (Main commercial appearances: “NTT Docomo”, “Coca-Cola Japan”)

★This article introduces the top three “Talent Ranking by Number of Companies Using CMs,” but we have also published a report compiling information on the top ten (free of charge). You can download the report here.

3. Trends in TV commercial advertising volume – Advertising volume in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya remains at the same level as in previous years –

We have compiled the number of seconds of TV commercials that were aired each month, and broken down by type of commercials, program commercials, and spot commercials.

Regarding TV commercial advertising volume in the first half of 2024, total advertising volume increased slightly in the Kanto and Kansai regions and remained flat in the Nagoya region, with spot commercials increasing slightly in all three regions and program commercials decreasing slightly in all three regions.

3-1. Kanto region


In the Kanto region, TV commercial advertising in the first half of 2024 totaled 13,628 seconds, 101.1% compared to the same period in 2023 and 101.4% compared to the same period in 2022, a slight increase compared to the amount of advertising in the past two years.

3-2. Kansai region


In the Kansai region, TV commercial advertising in the first half of 2024 totaled 13,679 seconds, 101.7% compared to the same period in 2023 and 101.4% compared to the same period in 2022, a slight increase compared to the amount of advertising in the past two years.

3-3. Nagoya area


In the Nagoya area, television commercial advertising in the first half of 2024 totaled 13,521 seconds, 100.8% compared to the same period in 2023 and 100.8% compared to the same period in 2022, which was the same level as the last two years.

4. Ranking of total TV commercial advertising volume by product type: “Communications/web services” tops the list in both Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya since 2018

The “Ranking of total TV commercial advertising volume by product type” ranks the number of TV commercials that were aired for each product type (category of services introduced in the commercial).


Looking at the product types, the category with the highest advertising volume (number of seconds) in all three regions, Kanto, Kansai, and Nagoya, was “communications and web services,” just like the previous year. It has been the top in all three regions for six consecutive years since 2018.

1st place: Communications and Web Department Sushi (92.1% compared to the same period last year)
2nd place: Housing and building materials (110.3%)
3rd place: Other services (102.0%)

1st place: Communications and Web Department Sushi (88.6% compared to the same period last year)
2nd place: Housing and building materials (102.2%)
3rd place: Catering industry (same as 119.7%)

1st place: Communications and Web Department Sushi (81.3% compared to the same period last year)
2nd place: Housing and building materials (98.7%)
3rd place: Catering industry (same as 112.5%)

★This article introduces the top three “Ranking of total TV commercial advertising volume by product type,” but we have also published a report summarizing the information for the top ten (free of charge). You can download the report here.

How was it?

This time, we introduced some data regarding television commercials for the first half of 2024.
We have published reports (free of charge) summarizing the Top 20 in the “Talent Ranking for Most Appeared in Commercials,” the “Talent Ranking by Number of Companies Used in Commercials,” and the Top 10 in the “Total TV Commercial Advertisement Volume by Product Type” reports.
The document can be downloaded here.

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Data source: Video Research “TV Advertising Statistics”
Target stations:
Kanto region: 5 commercial broadcasting stations (Nippon Television, TV Asahi, TBS, TV Tokyo, Fuji Television)
Kansai region: 5 commercial broadcasting stations (Mainichi Broadcasting System, ABC, Kansai Television, Yomiuri Television, Television Osaka)
Nagoya area: 5 commercial broadcasting stations (Tokai TV, Chukyo TV, CBC, Nagoya TV, TV Aichi)
Data collection period: January 1 to June 30 of each year in 2022, 2023, and 2024

【Related Links】
・For the TV commercial ranking by advertiser, click here: “Top 20 TV commercial ad seconds ranking by advertiser”
For those who want to find out how much companies spend on TV commercials and digital ads, click here for the special page.

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