Kavya Prakash Best Debut Director, Malayalapuraskaram 1197, Kavya Prakash, Vaanku Movie

1197 Kavya Prakash receives the Malayalam Award for Best Debut Director

Bengaluru: Kavya Prakash won ‘Malayalapuraskaram 1197’ for best debut director by Malayalam Awards. It was the film Wank that made Kavya eligible for the award.

Film producer, actor and businessman M. K. Soman and Dr. General Secretary of Fokana, a Malayali organization in North America. Kala Shahi also presented the award.

The event was organized by Fokana. Fokana President Dr. Babu Stephen, Board of Trustees member Paul Karukapally, International Liaison Secretary Lalu Joseph and Malayalam Awards Committee General Secretary Ismail Kottarapatt were present.

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