Katrinis: There is no imported accuracy, there is profiteering and extreme cynicism on the part of the government

The candidate president of PASOK – Movement for Change, Michalis Katrinis, spoke today on the Open TV television station about the accuracy that affects the market and especially the high prices of ferry tickets. As he pointed out, there is Community Directive 5042 of 2022 which allows EU member states and consequently also in Greece to reduce the VAT on tickets for passengers and cars but the government refuses to do so. As he said: “There is no imported precision, there is gross profiteering and extreme cynicism from the government” while also referring to the recent statements of Mrs. Sofia Vultepsi (s.s.) who said that citizens can also go to the village, the hinterland, no only on the islands which are expensive), while he also recalled the statements of Mr. Adonis Georgiadis about “Rolls Royce lamb”.

Referring to the internal party elections for the selection of a new President of PASOK, he emphasized that the citizens are asking the Movement for initiatives to create a large faction that will win the national elections and be the alternative proposal for governance.

“I have been in the front line of the faction for many years, I have never left PASOK, in good times and in difficult times. The world of PASOK knows who Michalis Katrinis is. I say clearly that I do not agree with the idea of ​​a PASOK fighting for second place with percentages of 13% and 15%. I strongly believe in a large and broad democratic faction that can win elections and be the party of power. PASOK does not offer to facilitate the stay of New Democracy in power as a government partner,” he said.

He made a special reference to the “hemorrhaging” of the Armed Forces personnel, pointing out that the issue is not only the 460 positions left vacant in the military schools but also the wave of resignations in the Armed Forces and especially in the Navy which is due to deeper causes, such as a sense of injustice, unworthiness, low pay and lack of motivation. “Beyond the weapon systems, the human factor of the armed forces is also a factor of strength for our Armed Forces, which should be at the forefront of the interest of the State” he concluded.

Source: newsbeast.gr

#Katrinis #imported #accuracy #profiteering #extreme #cynicism #part #government



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