Kato Achaia’s Student Team Dazzles in Turkey

Kato Achaia’s Student Team Dazzles in Turkey

The root of his love of mathematics is found in the pages of a cryptography book. This prompted him to immerse himself in the study of numbers, which led him to win the bronze medal at the recent 28th Balkan Youth Mathematical Olympiad (BMON), held in Antalya, Turkey.

This is the student who is studying in the 3rd grade of Kato Achaia High School this year Petro Kanellopoulos the success of which is an honor for all of Achaia and its school community. “My first close contact with mathematics began in the 1st year of high school on the occasion of a cryptography book. That’s how I started to study mathematics more. Initially, I bought books and the more I studied them, the more my interest grew,” he said. speaking in “Peloponnisos” Petros Kanellopoulos.

The next step was to look for routes that would enable him to participate in competitions. “I entered the website of the Hellenic Mathematical Society, saw the competitions it organizes and started participating. And the more I participated in competitions, the more the need to study more and more grew.”

To our question if he expected this particular distinction, he told us: “When I started I didn’t even expect to participate in competitions. Much more, I did not imagine that I would participate in the Balkan Olympiad. I was proud just to be able to participate in it. So you can see how happy I am with the result.”

The route followed by Petros for this particular success was one. This study. Which means he put social media aside. “I use the internet mainly to search for competitions and math material. I don’t waste time on communication or games through it.”

Throughout his efforts, Petros Kanellopoulos told us that he had the undivided support of his parents, who encouraged him and supported him psychologically, as well as his school, which acts supportively.

We asked him if he will choose mathematics as a subject of his studies, but he replied that this is something he will see in the future. Addressing children of his age, he encourages them “to set goals in relation to the subject they like, dedicate themselves, study and they will definitely succeed”.

The Greek mission is complete


In a statement issued on behalf of the governing committee of the Achaia Branch of the Hellenic Mathematical Society (HMS), the president George Afratis and the secretary Athena Alexopoulou congratulate Petros Kanellopoulos, noting that: “His success is the result of hard work and many hours of systematic study, for preparation and all this in the middle of final exams. In addition to himself, his success pleases his parents, the Hellenic Mathematical Society, the Achaia Branch of EME, his school, his teachers, his classmates and the local community in general.”

In fact, they emphasize that “in order to understand the effort and the magnitude of the success, we must take into account that Petros Kanellopoulos took part, for the first time in November 2023, in the competition “O Thalis” of EME, in which he distinguished himself among the 12,000 students and students, who participated nationwide. His distinctions continued in the following competitions “Euclid” and “Archimedes” and in the final ranking he was in the first six, which formed the Greek Balkan Youth Mathematical Olympiad. It is a huge honor and success for each and every contestant, just to participate in an international competition, in which a total of one hundred and thirty-five students from twenty-two countries participated, let alone to be distinguished in it.”

In the compared competition, the Greek team had five awards, one Silver Medal and four Bronze Medals. The Greek team was accompanied and supported by EME members Achilleas Synefakopoulos Ph.D. mathematician, as leader and Evangelos Zotos mathematician, as deputy leader of the expedition.

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– How did Petros Kanellopoulos’ interest in cryptography influence his⁣ success in mathematics​ competitions?

The Cryptography Spark: How a Greek Student’s Love for Math Led to Olympic Success

In the world of mathematics, inspiration can come from the⁤ most unlikely of places. For Petros Kanellopoulos, a ‍3rd-grade student at ⁣Kato Achaia High School in Greece, the spark that ignited ‍his passion for mathematics came from the pages of a⁣ cryptography book. This fascination led him to immerse himself in the study of numbers, ultimately‌ earning him a bronze ⁣medal at ‍the recent 28th Balkan Youth Mathematical Olympiad (BMON) ⁢in Antalya, Turkey.

Petros’ journey into the​ world of mathematics began when he stumbled upon a cryptography book in his‌ first year of high school. Intrigued by​ the concepts and theories, he started ​buying books and studying mathematics more intensively. As his interest grew, he began to participate in competitions organized by the Hellenic Mathematical ⁣Society, where he continued to excel. “I was proud ‍just to be able to‍ participate in it,” Petros said in an interview with Peloponnisos, adding that he didn’t imagine he would participate in the Balkan Olympiad, let alone win a bronze ​medal.

Petros’ success is not⁢ just a ⁢testament to his⁣ hard ​work and dedication but also a reflection of the support he received from his parents, who encouraged and supported him psychologically, as well as his ​school, which provided a supportive environment.‌ Despite his young age, Petros has demonstrated​ the importance of discipline and focus, sacrificing social media and other distractions to concentrate on his studies. “I use the internet mainly to search for competitions and⁤ math material,” he revealed.

The Hellenic Mathematical Society, whose governing committee congratulated ‍Petros on ‌his achievement, emphasized ⁤the magnitude of his success. “His⁣ success is ​the result of hard work⁢ and many hours ‌of systematic study, for preparation and all this in the middle of final exams,” said the president, George Afratis, and the‌ secretary, Athena Alexopoulou.​ Petros’ achievement is not only a personal triumph but also a source​ of pride for ⁤his parents, school, and community.

Petros’ ​journey serves as an inspiration to students of his age, demonstrating that with dedication and perseverance,‌ one can achieve remarkable success. ⁤His advice to his peers is simple yet profound: “Set goals in relation to the subject you like, dedicate yourself, study, and you will definitely succeed.”

As he looks to the future, Petros is undecided about whether he will pursue ‌mathematics⁤ as a subject of study, but his ⁣love for numbers is undoubtedly here to ‌stay. His remarkable ‌achievement ‌in the‍ Balkan Youth Mathematical Olympiad ⁣is‍ a testament to⁢ the power ​of ‌passion and hard work, paving ‍the way for ⁤a bright and ⁣promising future.

Keywords: Petros Kanellopoulos, mathematics, cryptography, Balkan Youth Mathematical Olympiad, Hellenic Mathematical Society, Greece, Antalya, Turkey, Kato ⁢Achaia High School, Peloponnisos.

Optimized meta tags:

Title: The Cryptography⁤ Spark: How a Greek Student’s Love for Math Led‍ to Olympic​ Success

Description: Petros Kanellopoulos, a⁣ Greek student, wins the bronze​ medal at the Balkan Youth Mathematical Olympiad, inspired by his love for cryptography and mathematics.

* Keywords: Petros Kanellopoulos, mathematics, cryptography, Balkan Youth⁢ Mathematical Olympiad, Hellenic Mathematical Society, Greece, Antalya, Turkey,‍ Kato Achaia High School, ‍Peloponnisos.

How did a cryptography book inspire Petros Kanellopoulos in his mathematics journey?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

The Unlikely Source of a Math Whiz’s Inspiration: A Cryptography Book

In the world of mathematics, inspiration can come from the most unexpected sources. For Petros Kanellopoulos, a 3rd-grade student at Kato Achaia High School in Greece, the root of his love for mathematics lies in the pages of a cryptography book. This seemingly obscure interest has led him to achieve a remarkable feat – winning the bronze medal at the recent 28th Balkan Youth Mathematical Olympiad (BMON) held in Antalya, Turkey.

A Passion Born from Cryptography

Petros’ fascination with mathematics began when he stumbled upon a cryptography book in his first year of high school. This sparked a curiosity that soon turned into a passion. He started studying mathematics more intensively, buying books and delving deeper into the subject. As he progressed, his interest grew, and he began to participate in competitions organized by the Hellenic Mathematical Society.

From Local Competitions to International Recognition

Petros’ determination and hard work paid off when he won the bronze medal at the BMON, a prestigious international mathematics competition that brings together the best young minds from the Balkan region. When asked if he expected this level of success, Petros humbly replied, “When I started, I didn’t even expect to participate in competitions. Much more, I didn’t imagine that I would participate in the Balkan Olympiad. I was proud just to be able to participate in it. So you can see how happy I am with the result.”

The Power of Focus and Support

Petros attributes his success to his unwavering focus and the support of his family, school, and community. To achieve his goals, he put social media aside and used the internet mainly to search for competitions and math study materials. His parents and school encouraged and supported him throughout his journey, providing the necessary psychological boost to help him stay motivated.

A Lesson for Young Math Enthusiasts

Petros’ remarkable achievement serves as an inspiration to young math enthusiasts around the world. His advice to his peers is to set goals, dedicate themselves to their chosen subject, and study hard to achieve success. When asked if he plans to pursue mathematics as a subject of study in the future, Petros is uncertain, but his passion for mathematics is undeniable.

The Hellenic Mathematical Society’s Praise

The Hellenic Mathematical Society, which organized the BMON, has praised Petros’ achievement, acknowledging the hard work and dedication required to achieve such a feat. In a statement, the society emphasized the significance of Petros’ success, not only for himself but also for his parents, school, and the local community.


Petros Kanellopoulos’ remarkable journey from cryptography to international recognition serves as a testament to the power of curiosity, hard work, and dedication. His achievement is an inspiration to young math enthusiasts worldwide, highlighting the importance of pursuing one’s passion, no matter how unusual it may seem.

Keyword Optimization:


Mathematics Olympiad

Balkan Youth Mathematical Olympiad

Hellenic Mathematical Society

Math competitions




Kato Achaia High School

Petros Kanellopoulos

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