Katinka Hosszú Bravely Addresses the Challenges to Her Integrity Amidst Sexual Harassment Claims

Katinka Hosszú’s association, Iron Swim SE, employed the trainer in question for another 140 days after his harassing behavior was revealed, and the president of the club, Katinka Hosszú herself, warned the trainer in writing that his actions were unacceptable.

The Hungarian Swimming Association immediately announced that it would set up a case investigation committee to investigate the coach’s unethical behavior towards female athletes and his communication based on sexual allusions.

Having heard from the press, I would like to respond to the latest news aimed at me: based on the veiled threat of Sándor Wladár, the president of MÚSZ, which happened recently, I expected the attack directed at me. I would like to point out that Iron Swim’s ethical values ​​expect a high standard from the coaches, they must pass a strict pedagogical and professional screening. As a result, we had to part with many coaches over the years. The coach currently involved no longer works at our club. Respecting labor laws, we handled the problem legally and in the light of social responsibility. After receiving the complaint, we issued a disciplinary warning to the coach in question, and we suspended their joint work with the competitor with immediate effect. Furthermore, I personally informed the president of the MÚSZ and the professional director of the MÚSZ about what had happened.

Katinka Hosszú writes in the first half of the statement she wrote.

“For me, it is unacceptable that MÚSZ uses what happened to attack me after we personally informed them of the circumstances as soon as we received the complaint. In April 2024, he notified the club’s sports professional director Enikő Török, and I also personally notified MÚSZ president Wladár Sándor in May 2024,” added the three-time Olympic champion swimmer.

Katinka Hosszú claims that Iron Swim has taken all measures that the legal environment allows in order to handle the case.

The Iron Lady then attacked Sándor Wladár again:

Here I would like to question again why the leaders from the Tamás Gyárfás/Tamás Szécsi era control the future of our children? The child/coach relationship of the Szécs era was characterized by child abuse, bullying, and distorted coaching behavior. Aware of all this, Sándor Wladár, who himself was fully part of the Szécsi era, named the Hungarian National Championship the Tamás Szécsi Memorial Competition during his presidency from 2017.

At the end of the statement, Katinka Hosszú stated that, contrary to reports, she does not want to strengthen her own position, she just wants to speak out in situations where she is already sure “that the attitude is not correct”.

If you or someone you know is experiencing violence in your relationship, or if you believe that someone has been a victim of human trafficking, call the National Crisis Management and Information Telephone Service toll-free from within the country at 06 (80) 20-55-20.

The NANE Association’s helpline for abused women and children can be called free of charge on 06 (80) 505-101 every weekday between 6 and 10 p.m., except Wednesdays.

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– What ‌actions has ⁣Katinka Hosszú taken in response ⁤to the harassment allegations‌ against the trainer?

Katinka Hosszú’s Response to Trainer’s Harassing Behavior: ‍A ‍Call ​for Accountability‌ in Hungarian Swimming

The swimming⁤ community has been​ left reeling after it was ‌revealed that a trainer employed by Iron Swim SE, a club founded by ‍three-time Olympic champion Katinka Hosszú, was accused of harassing behavior towards female ‌athletes.‌ The incident⁣ has⁤ sparked a‍ heated debate‍ about the accountability of coaches and the​ measures in place to protect athletes‍ from abuse.

The Incident Unfolds

According to reports, the ‌trainer in question was employed by Iron Swim​ SE for an additional⁢ 140 days⁤ after his unacceptable behavior was ⁣brought to light. In response, Katinka Hosszú, the president of the club, ‌issued a written warning⁤ to the trainer, stating that his actions were unacceptable. ​The Hungarian Swimming Association (MÚSZ) has ‍since‌ announced that it​ will set up‌ a ‍case investigation committee ‌to investigate⁣ the coach’s unethical behavior ⁢towards female athletes.

Katinka Hosszú’s Response

Katinka Hosszú⁤ has issued a statement in response to the‌ incident,‍ emphasizing Iron ​Swim’s commitment⁤ to upholding high ethical standards. She stated that the club had ‌taken all necessary ‍measures to handle the situation legally and in a ‌socially responsible manner. The coach ‌in ⁣question is no ‌longer employed by the club, and ⁢a disciplinary warning was issued immediately.

Hosszú took aim at the Hungarian Swimming Association, accusing them of launching a personal attack on ⁤her in response to ⁤the incident. She expressed disappointment that ⁣MÚSZ⁣ had chosen to use the⁣ situation ⁢to discredit her, despite being informed of the circumstances as soon as the complaint was received.

A Call for Accountability

Katinka Hosszú’s statement also raised questions about the legacy of ‌abuse in Hungarian swimming. She criticized the leadership of MÚSZ, citing their involvement⁣ in the Tamás ‍Gyárfás/Tamás Szécsi era, which was characterized by child ‍abuse, bullying, and distorted coaching behavior.

By speaking out, Hosszú is‍ drawing attention to the need for⁢ accountability ⁣in‍ the sport. Her ‍statement serves as a‌ reminder that athletes, coaches, and administrators have a responsibility to create a safe and respectful environment ⁣for all.

The ⁢Importance of Support

Incidents ⁤like these highlight the importance of support systems for athletes ​who have experienced abuse or harassment.‍ If you ⁤or someone you know is experiencing violence in a relationship, or if you believe that someone has‌ been a victim of human trafficking, it is essential to seek help.

The ⁣National Crisis Management‌ and Information Telephone is available to provide⁤ support⁤ and guidance. Whether you are an athlete, coach, or concerned individual, it is crucial ⁢to speak out against abuse and harassment​ in all its forms.


Katinka Hosszú’s response to the trainer’s harassing behavior is a call to action for the swimming community. By holding individuals and organizations accountable, we can create a safer and more respectful environment for athletes. As ⁢we move ⁣forward,⁤ it ‌is essential to prioritize the well-being and safety of athletes, ensuring that they can compete and train without fear of abuse or harassment.

SEO Keywords: ⁤Katinka Hosszú, Iron Swim SE, Hungarian​ Swimming Association, harassment, abuse, accountability, athlete safety, support systems.

Meta Description: Katinka Hosszú ‌speaks‍ out about a trainer’s ⁣harassing behavior, highlighting the need ​for accountability in ⁤Hungarian swimming and prioritizing ⁤athlete safety.

Header Tags:

⁢ H1: Katinka Hosszú’s Response to Trainer’s⁤ Harassing⁢ Behavior: A Call for Accountability in Hungarian Swimming

⁣H2: The Incident Unfolds

H2: Katinka Hosszú’s Response

H2: ⁣A Call for Accountability

H2:⁤ The Importance⁣ of Support

H2: Conclusion

Is facing similar harassment or abuse, it’s important to seek help. Here are some resources available for victims:

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

Katinka Hosszú’s Iron Swim SE Embroiled in Coaching Scandal

Renowned Hungarian swimmer Katinka Hosszú’s association, Iron Swim SE, has found itself at the center of a coaching scandal involving a trainer who exhibited harassing behavior towards female athletes. The revelation has sparked widespread outrage, with many calling for greater accountability and action from the club and the Hungarian Swimming Association.

The Incident

According to reports, the coach in question was employed by Iron Swim SE for an additional 140 days after his inappropriate behavior was brought to light. Katinka Hosszú, who serves as the president of the club, even issued a written warning to the coach, stating that his actions were unacceptable. Despite this, the coach remained on the payroll for several months, prompting questions about the club’s handling of the situation.

Investigation Launched

In response to the scandal, the Hungarian Swimming Association has announced that it will establish a case investigation committee to probe the coach’s unethical behavior and communication towards female athletes. The committee will investigate allegations of sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct, and will work to uncover the extent of the coach’s wrongdoing.

Katinka Hosszú’s Response

Katinka Hosszú has responded to the controversy, stating that Iron Swim SE takes the incident very seriously and has taken all necessary measures to address the situation. In a statement, Hosszú emphasized that the club’s ethical values expect a high standard from its coaches, and that any misconduct will not be tolerated.

Conflict with Hungarian Swimming Association

However, Hosszú has also come under fire from the Hungarian Swimming Association, with its president, Sándor Wladár, launching a veiled attack on the Olympic champion. Hosszú has hit back, accusing Wladár of using the incident to tarnish her reputation and questioning why leaders from the Tamás Gyárfás/Tamás Szécsi era continue to hold positions of power despite their own checkered pasts.

Calls for Accountability

The scandal has sparked a wider conversation about accountability in sports, with many calling for greater transparency and action to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. Katinka Hosszú has emphasized that she wants to speak out in situations where she believes the attitude is not correct, and has urged others to do the same.

Resources for Victims

If you or someone you know



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