Katerina Solomou Joins Forces with Androulakis in a Thrilling Partnership

Katerina Solomou Joins Forces with Androulakis in a Thrilling Partnership

PASOK‘s Deputy Head of Health and Professor of Medicine at the University of Patras, Katerina Solomou, issued a statement of support for the candidacy of Nikos Androulakis.

The text of her statement reads in detail:

The upcoming internal party process in PASOK does not only concern the face of the leader but the future of the Faction itself.

We are at a critical crossroads. The Great Democratic and given the most consistent faction must once again acquire the dominant role in the political scene that we all envision and the country needs.

This can only be achieved with clear political proposals, guaranteed political autonomy, democratic organizational structure and reconnection with the social strata that PASOK has always expressed and defended. We owe it to the citizens of the country who are mercilessly beaten by a Government that governs with undemocratic procedures and hides through media control the disintegration of the health system and the social state, justice, administrative inadequacy, the disintegration of small and medium entrepreneurship, etc.

My support for Nikos Androulakis is a progressive and forward-looking choice. It represents all of us who have been left in the lurch, have a clear ideological sign and desire consistency and not offices and political transactions under the table with other spaces for personal gains or lifelines of failed spaces and persons. We are also the ones who do not live from politics and have no intention of living from it.

The rise of the space in a short period of time, the choice of fighting instead of dealing with large media, the consistency in the declared political autonomy, the substantial proposals and the international profile of the movement in the area of ​​European Social Democracy, the renewal of the political staff, were achieved in the last years and brought back the perspective we all want.

There is still much to be done and mistakes to be corrected but the foundations are clearly in place.

I support Nikos Androulakis and call on all progressive citizens to participate and support so that together we can take PASOK to the position it deserves.

My political course shows that I respect and honor every real and substantial criticism, every democratic process, because they make us stronger. However, the condition is that they have a real political and ideological sign and not personal benefit, associations with places that have nothing to do with political consistency and progress, the imposition of persons who do not accept the results of democratic processes, vendettas and substitute functions that are unacceptable for any modern party and undermine every attempt at development and advancement.

#Androulakis #supported #Katerina #Solomou

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA)⁣ questions related to the title “Nikos Androulakis: The Future of PASOK and Greek Politics”:

Nikos​ Androulakis: The Future of PASOK and Greek Politics

In a recent statement, Katerina Solomou, PASOK’s Deputy Head of Health and Professor ​of⁢ Medicine at the University of Patras, expressed‌ her support for the candidacy of Nikos Androulakis. This endorsement is significant, as it highlights Androulakis’ commitment to progressive values ​and his vision for ‍the future of PASOK and Greek politics.

A Critical Crossroads for PASOK

According to Solomou, the upcoming internal party process in PASOK is‍ not just about choosing a new leader, but ⁢about determining the future of the faction itself. She ⁣emphasizes that PASOK ⁢is at a critical‌ crossroads, and that the party must‍ once again acquire a dominant role in the political ​scene. This can only be achieved with clear ‍political proposals, guaranteed⁢ political autonomy, and a democratic organizational structure that reconnects with the social strata that PASOK has always represented and⁣ defended.

A Progressive and Forward-Looking Choice

Solomou’s support for Androulakis is based on his progressive and forward-looking approach to ⁤politics. ⁢He represents those ​who have been left behind, have a clear ideological vision,​ and desire consistency ⁢and integrity in politics, rather than personal gain or office. Androulakis’ rise to prominence in a short period of⁤ time, his commitment ⁣to ‍fighting for his ⁤beliefs, ​and‌ his substantial proposals for European Social Democracy have brought back a sense of perspective and hope for the future.

Who is Nikos Androulakis?

Nikos Androulakis is⁣ a Greek politician who has been ​involved in various capacities, including as a Member ‍of the European Parliament (MEP)⁤ <a href="https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/125110/NIKOSANDROULAKIS/history/9″>[1]. ⁤He has⁤ also been elected ⁣as the President of ⁤PASOK in December 2021 [3]. As a civil engineer and⁣ holder of a Master’s degree in New Materials, Androulakis‌ brings a unique perspective to⁢ politics.

Building a Better Future for⁤ Greece

Solomou’s statement highlights the need for a better future‌ for Greece, one that is based on democratic values, social ‍justice, and accountability. She notes that⁢ the current government governs with undemocratic procedures, hiding the disintegration of the health system, social state, justice, and administrative⁤ inadequacy behind a veil of media‌ control.‌ Androulakis’ commitment to progressive values and his vision for a ‍better‍ future for​ Greece ‍make him an ‌attractive choice for those who‌ desire change.


Nikos Androulakis’ candidacy for the leadership of PASOK represents a new era of progressive politics ⁢in Greece. With his commitment to democratic‌ values, social justice, ⁢and accountability, Androulakis has the potential to bring about much-needed change to the country. As Solomou notes, there is still much to be done, but the foundations are clearly in place. It is​ time for progressive citizens to come together and support Androulakis’ vision for a better future for Greece.


<a href="https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/125110/NIKOSANDROULAKIS/history/9″>[1]



What impact does Nikos Androulakis’ leadership have on the future direction and policies of PASOK in Greek politics?

Nikos Androulakis: The Future of PASOK and Greek Politics

In a recent statement, Katerina Solomou, PASOK’s Deputy Head of Health and Professor of Medicine at the University of Patras, expressed her support for the candidacy of Nikos Androulakis. This endorsement is significant, as it highlights Androulakis’ commitment to progressive values and his vision for the future of PASOK and Greek politics.

A Critical Crossroads for PASOK

According to Solomou, the upcoming internal party process in PASOK is not just about choosing a new leader, but about determining the future of the faction itself. She emphasizes that PASOK is at a critical crossroads, and that the party must once again acquire a dominant role in the political scene. This can only be achieved with clear political proposals, guaranteed political autonomy, and a democratic organizational structure that reconnects with the social strata that PASOK has always represented and defended.

A Progressive and Forward-Looking Choice

Solomou’s support for Androulakis is based on his progressive and forward-looking approach to politics. He represents those who have been left behind, have a clear ideological vision, and desire consistency and integrity in politics, rather than personal gain or office. Androulakis’ rise to prominence in a short period of time, his commitment to fighting



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