Kate Middleton: Dazzling Princess of Wales – Enchanted the crowds with her presence at William’s side

Kate Middleton: Dazzling Princess of Wales – Enchanted the crowds with her presence at William’s side

Kate looked glamorous and elegant in a black dress and walked alongside Prince William in the lavish Kensington grounds to celebrate Britain’s servicemen and women.

It is the Princess of Wales’ first high-profile appearance since being diagnosed with an unknown form of cancer, in a year William described as the “toughest” of his life, where he noted how proud he was of his father and wife for their bravery. .

Kate wore a Poppy this year, despite famously sporting three on herself in previous years for Remembrance weekend events.

Her Majesty, who became patron of the Royal British Legion earlier this year, the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh and Princess Anne are also due to attend tonight’s proceedings.

The Duke of Kent, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucestershire and Vice-Admiral Sir Tim Laurence are also expected to sit in the Royal Box tonight as those who put their lives on the line for King and Country are celebrated.

However, the Queen will be noticeably absent from both tonight’s event and the Remembrance Day ceremony at the Cenotaph tomorrow after being unwell with a ‘seasonal chest infection’.

A Palace spokesman confirmed earlier today: “Following doctors’ orders to ensure a full recovery from a seasonal chest infection and to protect others from any potential danger, Her Majesty will not be attending this weekend’s Remembrance events.

“While this is a source of great disappointment to the Queen, she will mark the occasion privately at home and hopes to return to public duties early next week.”

It is understood that there is no cause for alarm and no recession in her condition. The Queen is said to be careful to minimize the risk of spreading any lingering infection to others.

Princess Catherine, who is recovering from cancer, and King Charles, who is still undergoing cancer treatment, will both attend this weekend’s commemorations

Buckingham Palace announced on Tuesday that the Queen, who has just finished a mammoth tour of Australia and Samoa with King Charles, has canceled her upcoming engagements due to a chest infection.

A Buckingham Palace spokesman said at the time: “Her Majesty The Queen is currently unwell with a chest infection for which her doctors have advised a short period of rest.

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#Kate #Middleton #Dazzling #Princess #Wales #Enchanted #crowds #presence #Williams #side
It seems like you have⁢ a JavaScript‌ snippet related to dynamically loading various ad scripts and integrations on a webpage. However, it appears to be incomplete, with many⁢ places where scripts should ‍be loaded but are filled with comments or placeholder text. Here’s a cleaned-up⁣ and organized version of your code snippet, with assumptions about what the⁢ script should do. Please fill in the missing URLs and ​any specific implementations ⁢as needed:


// Function to load scripts asynchronously

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// Example for CleverCore (commented⁣ out for clarity)

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// For Google AdSense

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// Vidoomy integration

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###​ Note:

1. Make sure to replace placeholders⁢ like `URL_HERE`, `DISQUS_URL_HERE`, `TABOOLA_URL_HERE`, and any ⁢other commented out URLs with the actual script ‍sources.

2. Fill in the necessary logic where indicated, especially for each `asyncLoadScript` call.

3. Consider the ⁢impact of loading ⁢multiple ad‍ scripts on the performance of your website, and possibly ⁣load them only when⁢ necessary.

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