Katarzyna Kasia and Grzegorz Markowski will host a new program on TVP Info in September – Telewizja Polska SA

In addition to the hosts, the program will also feature other co-hosts and interesting guests. The format will be an important part of implementing the mission of public media, which should build bridges and create a space for understanding once morest polarizing algorithms. – We believe that Poland needs media that connect i we are deeply convinced that if someone joins our program, they will smile a little more, and that is quite a lot – say the creators.

The hosts assure that the program will include humorous themes alongside current political events. – There will be a lot of politics in it, but not only that. For now, we are quite secretive, although work is in full swing – says Grzegorz Markowski. – You can expect what we do best, i.e. unconventional comments, materials you didn’t expect, distance and a good sense of humor. – adds Katarzyna Kasia.



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