Kasselakis: The Rising Star of SYRIZA

Stefanos Kasselakis basically confirms that he will be a candidate for SYRIZA again saying “I am here”. At the same time, on the occasion of the leaks from the “other side” of the 100 and Pavlos Polakis, Mr. Kasselakis speaks of incredible provocations, and requests that no protest rallies be organized, after the disapproval received by SYRIZA executives outside Koumoundourou.

He wrote in detail:

“Because at the moment there are incredible provocations – from false dialogues to false invitations – (even my alleged supporter in a Trump hat was drafted!), I want to ask the friends of SYRIZA not to organize protest rallies.

And above all not to sabotage the visit of the Head of the K.O. of SYRIZA – PS, Nikos Pappas, at TEF. Against diversion, composure, patience and self-restraint are our strength.Turn your anger into creation. I’m here.

New series in the comedy SYRIZA: Kasselakis comes down as a candidate – The phone call to Svigou and the message about the elections – The bad news about who runs the party

Ups and downs have come to SYRIZA after the decision of Stefanos Kasselakis to stand as a candidate in the internal party elections. As reported by Alpha, the ousted Stefanos Kasselakis proclaims that the fight will be fought within SYRIZA, putting an end to the scenarios for the creation of a new party.

In fact, according to Alpha’s information, the phones caught fire as Mr. Kapnisakis allegedly called Ms. Svigou and asked her who is responsible if the decision for the president of SYRIZA is lifted. To the question “who will be held accountable?” Ms. Svigou pointed to the Commission without naming any person in particular. However, Stefanos Kasselakis called her right after, asking her exactly the same question.

Mr. Kasselakis insisted, as a result of which Rania Svigou pointed out to him the financial director Christos Mavrokephalidis. He replied that Stefanos Kasselakis is the current person responsible for the administrative and criminal matters of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, unless he signs a power of attorney in order to authorize someone else. And then Mr. Kasselakis replied that they will not get anything from him.

On the contrary, party sources, responding to the leaks from the Kasselakis side, clarified that at the last meeting of the Political Secretariat, Mr. Christos Mavrokephalidis was authorized by the members of the body as the person responsible for the party, after opinions requested from competent law firms, in order to settle any outstanding issues. Therefore, when Stefanos Kasselakis called him and asked him “who is responsible?”, Mr. Myrokefalidis allegedly replied “Me”.

At the same time, information states that Stefanos Kasselakis threatened to go and get the keys to Koumoundourou, raising the issue of the legality of his disclosure. “Such dialogues never took place” said Kasselakis’ colleagues angrily, refuting the related myth.

For their part, the “100” and Pavlos Polakis, commenting on the Kasselakis threats, speak of a “failed Capitol” referring to the invasion of Trump’s supporters after the 2021 electoral defeat. “The Capitol failed ala Greca from the Balkan Trump commented an executive of “87”.

Tension in Koumoundourou

A group of people had gathered in Koumoundourou ahead of the meeting of the Political Secretariat, disapproving of executives who supported the motion of censure against Kasselakis.

Olga Gerovasili heard it from the supporters of the deposed president of the party, while Thanasis Theocharopoulos was not spared from their “fires”. “Unemployed people, you made yourself comfortable in chairs, shame on you numbers” some can be heard saying outside the party offices. According to information, both Kostas Zachariadis and Alekos Flambouraris were molested.

SYRIZA: Extraordinary meeting of the Political Secretariat for the dismissal of Kasselakis

The extraordinary meeting of the Political Secretariat is in progress. It is indicative that five minutes before 17:30 most members of the Political Secretariat were notified by text message to come to Koumoundourou and while the next Political Secretariat was scheduled for next Tuesday.

The majority called for the body to be convened tonight at 8pm, as an emergency, before the scheduled meeting next Tuesday. An exclusive topic of discussion is whether or not Stefanos Kasselakis is considered deposed, after the motion of censure against him before the Central Committee of SYRIZA September 21-22.

The matter came to the surface when the constitutionalist Xenophon Kontiadis raised the question of the legality of the dismissal of Kasselakis from the SYRIZA offices in Koumoundourou and the party’s presidency, arguing that the “yes” to a motion of censure against Kasselakis does not automatically entail his removal from office . On the occasion of these positions, SYRIZA MPs and officials who supported Stefanos Kasselakis took positions, repeating the opinion of Mr. Kontiadis.

Early in the morning, Stefanos Kasselakis boarded a water taxi in Spetses and returned alone to Athens. Many believe that it is only a matter of time before he makes his first public statement after four 24 hours of silence and reflection. The feeling that his interlocutors have obtained is that he will announce that he will be a new candidate for the president of SYRIZA.

At the same time, the former director of Avgi, Angelos Tsekeris, took a position on the internal party developments in SYRIZA via a post on his personal Facebook account. Angelos Tsekeris, in his laconic post, leaves serious points about Stefanos Kasselakis in relation to the time he is in the presidency of the party.

In particular, Mr. Tsekeris calls for the data regarding the recruitments and salaries of the last 11 months, i.e. the term of Kasselakis, to be made public, adding “and then we’ll see who comes back as president”.

He adds: “Ah, and object. Let’s see who was involved in the fight against the Right and who was involved in painting ships.”

PASOK: These are officially the six candidates for the presidency

Mitsotakis met with the Paralympians

SYRIZA: Extraordinary meeting of the Political Secretariat at 20:00 for the discount Kasselakis – Will he attend?

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