Kasselakis’ Pothen Esches is fake, said Polakis

Kasselakis’ Pothen Esches is fake, said Polakis

Pavlos Polakis was answered by Theodora Tzakri who said: “Today the PG meeting was set up as an Ethics Committee. Pavlos Polakis came to denounce that Stefanos Kasselakis has a false certificate of origin. Two observations: firstly, that these are said publicly on television and not in the protected environment of your late friends who until the day before yesterday wanted to delete you, while they themselves in the recent past forced you into humiliating statements of repentance. The second has to do with time! Saying that I don’t want to delete the president for whom two months have been wasted and on the eve of the Congress you come to tell us that you have solid evidence against him, to me, who comes from a village and is suspicious, it seems to me very simply that the wolf in the anabumbula rejoices. Why didn’t you take the hard evidence to the Ethics Committee? Again, it’s good that you didn’t submit them to the Sfakia Members’ Organization. The Political Secretariat has the same authority to delete a member as the Sfakia Members’ group has.

Olga Gerovasili, according to information, in her statement at the meeting of the Political Secretariat insisted on the exclusion of Stefanos Kasselakis from claiming the leadership for political reasons, however, regarding the evidence presented by Pavlos Polakis she said “we are not accountants, let them presentations to the relevant services”.

A little later, the director of Stefanos Kasselakis’ office, Manolis Kapnisakis, also issued an announcement.

Reported by Mr. Kapnisakis: “Unfortunately, Pavlos Polakis was irreparably exposed. Everything he allegedly reported to the Political Secretariat, of which he hastily requested the meeting, are panic moves. He referred, either to inactive companies from which Stefanos Kasselakis has left long before assuming the presidency of SYRIZA, or even to “CV From Greece” which he considered reprehensible, even though it was the electronic platform that St. Kasselakis had created it in 2013 to help – for free, of course – Greeks in preparing their resumes in order to receive scholarships or find work abroad. Instead of Comrade Pavlos dealing with the current scandals of the government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis or even with the “scandal” of not drawing up the list of congresses less than 24 hours before its start, he spews fake news showing his anger. He said that he wants to face Stefanos Kasselakis at the ballot box and yet he is the first to run to achieve his exclusion, in the name of those who demanded his “complete deletion” from SYRIZA-PS. And since Comrade Pavlos likes popular sayings, let’s remember the phrase “the first honor the first”.

However, it is interesting that Theodora Tzakri and Manolis Kapnisakis publicly respond to the statement made by Pavlos Polakis at the Political Secretariat and it has not yet been made public.

Kasselakis: “Even the trees will be Conferences”

In his post, Stefanos Kasselakis requests “immediate information” on matters concerning the Conference.

His post in detail

“I request immediate information.

24 hours before the start of the Conference, what is the exact number of delegates?

The certification of the delegates is done by mail to each one individually, without the knowledge of the competent OMs, so that they cannot compare the names with the lists of the actually elected delegates.
In other words, after they failed to make up the difference by cutting congressmen, they are now adding persons who were not elected!

SYRIZA is under occupation.

SYRIZA: The last fights before the dissolution

“Kasselakis has the audacity to point the finger,” says the majoritySYRIZA and the conflict has reached an impasse.

Circles of the majority of SYRIZA responded to the new complaints of Stefanos Kasselakis about the delegates, stressing: “He does not accept the decisions of the collective bodies of the party, he does not recognize that he is not the president, he has made his own website falsifying the name of the party with the title “our own SYRIZA”, a misleading register of members, another building, in fact he has announced another competing party and he has the audacity to point the finger at SYRIZA. SYRIZA-PS has proven that it is the most democratic party and this will be seen in the Congress, despite the plans to the contrary”.

Kasselakis: SYRIZA is under occupation – Tomorrow the elected delegates should be at the Congress venue

“SYRIZA is under occupation”, declares Stefanos Kasselakis, who complains that the party’s next conference will be held “in secret”. In fact, the ousted president of SYRIZA invites the elected delegates who are close to him to be present at the place where the conference will be held.

In particular, Mr. Kasselakis notes in his post:

Elected delegates who, one day before the conference, have not been notified whether they have been sanctioned by the “martial court of 87” or not. They have only notified their own delegates, teleconferenced with them, informed them, “urgently” requested their emails for digital votes, while the majority of delegates are in the dark paying to support my candidacy. (Photo has already been posted demonstrating the serious violation of equality between delegates – more from me on this in a moment).

The official site of the party syriza.gr reports about tomorrow’s opening day of the Congress: “We are sorry, there are no scheduled events of SYRIZA-PS for tomorrow”! A conference in crypto. SYRIZA is under occupation. Tomorrow all the elected delegates should be at the Conference venue. Legally. Civilized. Ethics. Democracy will return to SYRIZA, no matter how dark its detractors are.

Earlier without being particularly revealing and keeping to himself what was said on Wednesday night (6/11) in Pagrati between him and executives of 87, o Stefanos Kasselakis spoke to Nikos Hatzinikolaou.

Regarding the rumors of a “conflict” between him and the executives of SYRIZA in Pagrati, Stefanos Kasselakis replied that “no such thing is true. We met but there was no conflict. These are provocations. On the contrary, it was a completely civilized discussion and where there was intense dialogue, it was well-intentioned and on my part with arguments and specific arguments”.

He admitted that Katerina Notopoulou, Giorgos Vassiliadis, Irini Karkoulias and the wife of Alekos Flambouraris were also present at the meeting.

“I’m not going to get into gossip. The president of the second party in the country does not engage in gossip and does not need to make late-night leaks to allegedly raise his cachet. So I’m not going to get into this discussion,” said Stefanos Kasselakis.

“There was a debate about some issues. If challenged I will obviously report. However, what has been written this morning has generally been quite falsified. There are no arguments or anything like that.”

“I can refer to one issue, however, for which I was really surprised by the expression that one of these executives, referring to my election last year in September ’23, said that ‘we accepted it’. And my answer was: ‘I didn’t understand, did you do us a favor?’ And this, you know, shows the proprietary perception they have of the entire space of the Left and especially of SYRIZA. That they are the ones who brought this party to the government and that we owe them our gratitude and today that they have the social appeal. Such arrogance,” emphasized Stefanos Kasselakis.

The Congress of SYRIZA-PS starts tomorrow

The work of the Extraordinary Congress of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance begins tomorrow, Friday, November 8, which will be held at Polychoro Gazi, Iera Odos 15. The work will begin at 18:30 with the speech of the secretary of the K.E. of SYRIZA-PS, Rania Svigou and the president of K.O., Nikos Pappa. The SYRIZA Congress remains open, to be held exclusively via zoom. After all, a relevant proposal was submitted at yesterday’s meeting of the Political Secretariat by Aleko Flambouraris, Katerina Notopoulou and Thanasis Theocharopoulos.>

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#Kasselakis #Pothen #Esches #fake #Polakis
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Here are some points to ensure the ‍code works correctly and suggestions for improvements:

1. **Syntax Errors**:

– ⁤Ensure all ⁢strings are properly closed.⁢ For instance, `asyncLoadScript(‘` needs to be followed by a valid URL within the quotes.

​ ⁤- Pay attention⁤ to the proper⁤ usage of quotes ‍within the⁣ JavaScript. ⁤You can⁤ utilize ‍either single quotes ‌`’` or ⁣double quotes ⁣`”` but ‌adhere to one style to ⁤avoid syntax errors.

2. **Asynchronous Script Loading**:

‍ – The​ function `asyncLoadScript` ​seems to be ⁤designed to load scripts asynchronously. Make sure that this function is defined somewhere in your code. Typically, it should create a script⁢ element, assign it a source, and append it to the document.

3. **Error‌ Handling**:

– Implement ⁢error handling when ⁤loading scripts. If a script fails to load, ‌it would be beneficial to log ‍the error⁣ or execute an alternative function.

4. **Privacy Considerations**:

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5.⁣ **Performance**:

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6. ​**Modularity and Maintainability**:

⁤ – For better maintainability, consider organizing ad-loading functionalities into separate functions or modules. This can make ​the code more readable and reusable.

7. ‌**Testing**:

-‍ After adjustments, ‍make sure⁤ to test the entire flow to ensure​ that ⁣all scripts are ‌loading correctly and that there are no console errors.

Here’s a⁤ brief structured outline to‌ help you rewrite your code:


function asyncLoadScript(src) {

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script.async = true;



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⁣ ‍ // OneSignal⁣ Initialization

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⁤ // ⁤Repeat for other services…




Ensure to place this JavaScript code within “ tags ‌in your‌ HTML file, ideally at the⁤ end of your HTML body for optimal‍ loading performance.

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