Kasselakis on the Brink: The Unfolding Political Drama

The motion of censure against him, submitted by the “87” of Alexis Tsipras and supported by Pavlos Polakis, passed with 163 votes out of a total of 286 and in fact Stefanos Kasselakis is no longer president of SYRIZA.

The information says that at the Political Secretariat, which is meeting today, a temporary president will be chosen to lead SYRIZA to the extraordinary Congress.

Enraged with the party nomenclature, which finally prevailed, Stefanos Kasselakis succeeded with harsh characterizations against those who questioned him. That he said he will be accountable and appeal, as always, to the grassroots translates into him running again for the SYRIZA presidency or forming his own party.

The Central Committee reached time-consuming decisions, apparently trying to give time to the background and ferments expected until the presidential election.

In the following days, the Political Secretariat will meet and in 15 days the Central Committee will decide when and how to hold the Congress and elections. In the decision, in an attempt to prevent the ousted president, it was underlined that the institutions cannot question the legality of the impeachment motion.

The subject of the meetings of the Political Secretariat and the Central Committee will be the determination of the date of an extraordinary Congress, where the nominations for the presidency of SYRIZA will be announced.

They all decided together that SYRIZA will be represented at the TIF next weekend by the president of the Parliamentary Group, Nikos Pappas, who – although a close associate of Stefanos Kasselakis – has not ruled out running for party president.

To the surprise of the Kasselakis staff, the motion of censure against the SYRIZA president passed with 163 “yes”. According to information, 163 voted for, 120 against, while there was one void and two blanks. A total of 286 voted, 210 at the ballot box and 76 by telephone.

The approximately twenty supporters of Stefanos Kasselakis, who wanted to enter the hall in wild moods after the announcement of the result, ultimately did not succeed.

In his first statement after the motion of censure was passed, Stefanos Kasselakis declared that he felt “redeemed” and spoke of members of the Central Committee “with a hood”.

“I am redeemed. Because all the citizens saw the censure I live with since the first day I was voted. It is unprecedented in the Political History of the country that the party bureaucracy does not accept, from the very first day, the vote of the party members. That’s how I spent a whole year. Now you know everything. We have reached the point where the bureaucracy, the nomenclature of the party and the various factions employ practices that do not belong to the space of the Left, even managing to humiliate the honorable members of the Commission by putting on their hoods. My decisions will be announced where I am accountable and I will always be accountable. In the world of SYRIZA”, said Stefanos Kasselakis.

We mentioned before that Mr. Kasselakis is no longer the president of SYRIZA and does not participate in any party body, while it has not yet been clarified whether he will again be a candidate for president of SYRIZA or will attempt to form his own party.

Until yesterday, Pavlos Polakis had declared his candidacy for the presidency of SYRIZA, while Nikos Farandouris and Sokratis Famellos are leaving it open.

Nikos Pappas, to whom the associates of Stefanos Kasselakis now attribute a dark role in things, declared that the planned procedures will be carried out with “absolute smoothness and compliance with the Statute”, while he sent a “message of calm” and “democratic dialogue” to the whole progressive world that was “hurt” by the latest developments. Asked if he will run for the position of president, he emphasized that “there is no way to open such a conversation” and that, for now, as it was decided, he will represent SYRIZA in the TIF.

“After an arduous process and a clear result, SYRIZA is launching the procedures for electing a new leader. I declared availability for the next day. The goal is to overthrow the Mitsotakis government in a short period of time. I call on all members and friends of SYRIZA to contribute, without the extreme expressions that have now been heard at the end. I think we can go together, the Left knows how to talk. Whether I become president or lose, I will continue to stay in SYRIZA. If he (Kasselakis) wants to be a candidate, why not?” said Pavlos Polakis.

“It closed a democratic process for SYRIZA, which we tried to avoid, so as not to create a new division. It was, however, a process that proved that the members of the Central Committee, who are elected directly from the grassroots, want a new political proposal, which gives a way out and perspective to SYRIZA. Because, indeed, there is also a shrinking and discrediting of the organizations and the appeal in the world”, said Sokratis Famellos, arguing, among other things, that “SYRIZA will be ready soon”. “I think there is no time to discuss persons. Well, the answer of all of us, today, was that, yes, there will be a next day”, he answered a question about whether he will be a candidate.


Companion “knives” are out

“The disrepute and degeneration of SYRIZA, which in practice supported Kyriakos Mitsotakis, with the hope of society and the Greek people, for the creation of a progressive pole, a majority, which will constitute the alternative proposal for governance, has been defeated. SYRIZA is here to continue this effort. We won today, we will win in the final goal as well”, said Christos Spirtzis.

“We are proceeding in an orderly manner and I hope united in the procedures as provided for by the Statute for the selection of a new president and the Congress. The president’s references to hoodlums and hoodlums deeply offend the members of the Central Committee and the party, but are also dangerous for the Republic. We are fighting for Democracy on the Left,” said Katerina Notopoulou.

“Beyond the procedures there is a substance. That the president-elect had committed the crime of defamation by being elected without being “on the party line”. Today bodies which are delegitimized, clearly valid, but they are delegitimized, as they never took any responsibility for the double, crushing defeat of 2023, they took it upon themselves to “correct” the supposed mistake of society. The people of SYRIZA, the democratic people, will answer,” answered Nina Kasimati.


Wild attack against Tsipras

The selective leak of the Kasselakis staff, after the announcement of the result of the vote in the Central Committee, stated that the 15% received by SYRIZA in the European elections in June belongs to him and they emphasize that in the opinion polls he has higher percentages than his party.

“Where Stefanos and we. Stefan, make your own party, let the factions keep the veils and seals of Koumundourou. The world is yours”, repeated Koumoundourou trolls yesterday afternoon on social media.

“Resurrection! Freedom! The villain fell 163 in favor of leaving and 123 against. Goodbye @skasselakis. You can easily buy the return tickets to America. With a temporary presidency or a president of common acceptance in the extraordinary Congress. Let’s go for elections to elect a new president”, wrote trolls close to the “87” and Alexis Tsipras.

A sensation was caused by the posting of the well-known lyricist and supporter of Stefanos Kasselakis, Nikos Moraitis, who, among other things, launched a fierce attack against Alexis Tsipras, about whom he wrote, among other things, that he is behind the whole operation against Kasselakis:

“For the first time in Post-Columbian History, a body of one party CELEBRATED THE PRESIDENT-ELECT, with 56%, just 11 months ago. And in fact, an instrument from the electoral body of 2019, that is, under the former president! I have pointed out Kasselaki’s big mistakes – and mainly his naivety and credulity. However, here we have THE FIRST INTERPARTY COUP IN THE HISTORY OF THE PLACE. Don’t look for the hows and the whys. One could. One did. The post of Alexis Tsipras, in February, about “new elections”. The candidacy of his chosen one. These were not proposals of an outgoing democratic leader. They were ORDERS of an owner who found no life outside his party. They were unprepared then. They had all the machinery and all the time. The ghost of the political life of the place. The man behind the scenes. The great assassin. The one who the historical leader of the French Left, Mélenchon, prophetically characterized as “one of the most merciful figures of European political life” (ah, we were also lazy then…). Alexis Tsipras”.

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Athens will be without taxis from today until 5 am on Tuesday due to a strike

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#exiled #Kasselakis #circus #continues



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