Kasselakis Holds Steady: Embracing Every Moment as the End Nears

Regarding reports in the online press that showed him yesterday afternoon ready to announce the creation of a new party, his colleagues explained that Mr. Kasselakis is determined to face every obstacle to find himself again in the position of the leader of SYRIZA, arguing that this is and the will of the majority of party members and voters.

Other information states that Stefanos Kasselakis held meetings with his colleagues yesterday, noting that not only is he not thinking of leaving politics or returning to America, but he is weighing all the data for his next step. That is, if he will be a new candidate for president of SYRIZA or if he will proceed to found a new party.

However, he reportedly requested that his entire mechanism be alerted, i.e. executives and members close to him from the Ward Organizations, member organizations and think tanks, without revealing which of the above two paths he will choose in the next period.

“He will be a candidate, he is waiting for the final decisions of the bodies to decide,” said yesterday Theodora Tzakri, who remains by his side, and argued that the rumors about a new party were provocations by Polakis and the “87”, while the Kasselakis staff talks about an organized plan against him, which will be revealed in the next period, just like the protagonists.

“Stefanos Kasselakis has the right to be a candidate. Whether he will, I don’t know. I estimate that he will not win,” said Olga Gerovasili to Action24 yesterday, for whom there are reports that she is under pressure from “87” to be a candidate. Ms. Gerovasili called Kasselakis’ speech to the Central Committee “disgraceful” because he called its members “hoodlums” and argued that SYRIZA must get away from toxicity, extortion and parapolitics.

Regarding the “87”, she claimed that they are not a bloc, she said that she appreciates Sokratis Famellos and also Nikolas Faradouris (s.s.: for whom it is being discussed that they will be candidates), while regarding Pavlos Polakis she said that ” I have disagreed with him many times, but we have coexisted politically for many years.” Regarding the future role of Alexis Tsipras, she said that she cannot speak on his behalf, nor about his intentions.

At the same time, some information indicates that the imminent decision of Mr. Kasselakis is also related to the measurement result for a new party under him, a result that was at least a deterrent.

This information is circulating at a time when the “87” – and Polakis – are pushing for the “de-coffering” of the party, while announcing in all directions that they are now defining the rules of the game. In this climate, yesterday Yiannis Voulgarakis resigned from the position of Secretary of Organization, while the position of press representative in place of Voulas Kehagia, who resigned, was taken up until yesterday by deputy press representative and former adviser to Alexis Tsipras on international and European issues, Pausanias Papageorgiou.

The “road map”

At the same time, the “road map” until the election of the president was finalized by the Political Secretariat yesterday. The next meeting of the Central Committee where the schedule and procedures will be ratified will take place on September 21 and 22, while the extraordinary Congress that will refer to the election of a new president will take place on November 1-3. The election of new congressmen will take place on October 19 and 20, the first round of internal party elections on November 24 and the second round on December 1.

The “Kasselistas” saw spikes against Stefanos Kasselakis in the announcement of the Political Secretariat, in particular they noted that the references to absolute respect for democratic and statutory procedures were used as a… response to their complaints about the observance of non-democratic and non-statutory procedures during the meeting of the Central Committee, during which Mr. Kasselakis “fell” from his position.

Cooperation with PASOK and New Left

The fall of Kasselakis and the regaining of control by the “87” brought back to the fore the rumors of future cooperation between SYRIZA, PASOK, New Left, with the aim of bringing down the Mitsotakis government, which is said to be the main goal of Alexis Tsipras.

Olga Gerovasili, speaking to Action 24, stated that the possibility of SYRIZA cooperating with PASOK and the New Left is open, while Yannis Ragoussis told Contra Channel: “The cooperation will not lead to the abolition of the existing parties, SYRIZA and PASOK will continue as autonomous parties. From there we see the issue of joint ballots, one ballot to be precise. Based on the electoral law, the bonus cannot be taken by a coalition of parties. Well, in the Supreme Court we have to file a ballot in each electoral district that we will all support. There is no other solution and no other way. Otherwise, you may come out first and not get the bonus.”

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#Kasselakis #unrepentant



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