Kasselakis for Mitsotakis: He is obsessed with me – Announced 3.2 billion measures against accuracy – 2024-03-15 06:52:18

The president of SYRIZA-PS, Stefanos Kasselakis, starting his speech at the event entitled “Greek dream – Life with dignity” on the evening of Tuesday 12/03/2024, spoke about the “obsession” of Kyriakos Mitsotakis and his representatives together of

The president of SYRIZA emphasized that his percentages are rising, as a result of which the fact that he is a second party is not disputed.

In particular, he said that SYRIZA now has new momentum, he said, underlining that it is “clearly second and rising” and that this is due both to the party’s opposition to the university bill and to the stance it took on equality in Wedding. “Obviously these have sent a message,” he said.

He then spoke of the “obsession” of Kyriakos Mitsotakis and his representatives with him, stating “Mr. Mitsotakis have you ever attempted in your life?” and leaving spikes for the “500 million borrowed and unclaimed” of the ND.

“The banks have not been recapitalized by manna from heaven, but from the pocket of the Greek taxpayer,” Stefanos Kasselakis also said, accusing the government of “having the audacity to ask for change.” In addition, he accused her of gaslighting practices, i.e. psychological manipulation of the victim by the abuser, “to convince him that he is to blame”. As he mentioned, the ND applies the same strategy when it talks about “individual responsibility”.

“It is time to show that we will not be victims and that society needs solidarity,” he said afterwards.

Package of measures and reforms to boost citizens’ income

Stefanos Kasselakis presented a package of measures and reforms to boost the income of citizens and stimulate the growth of the economy. He underlined that the SYRIZA plan foresees the holistic restructuring and regulation of citizens’ debt and added that “we are committed not only to increasing the citizen’s income but also to developing the economy”. He noted that there are proofs of SYRIZA’s positions for accuracy but in addition all citizens see it in supermarkets. “Mr. Mitsotakis’ Greece is not a normal country and no one trusts it. That is why many seek to live their dream in Europe, America and even Asian countries”. As an argument on the subject of accuracy, he cited “Greece’s European firsts in fuel, food, energy, but also the banks’ record profits. The European Central Bank says so, Eurostat and the international price observatories say so.”

In SYRIZA, the first goal is to increase the disposable income that ensures a life with dignity, underlined Mr. Kasselakis and cited a series of repressive measures that will yield 3.243 billion euros because the speculators who have obtained 3.62 billion will pay. This is a series of interventions in order to return part of the 15 billion euros that the oligopolies have obtained.

At the same time, he pledged that SYRIZA will proceed to:

1. Establishment of a maximum profit margin of 5% in the wholesale electricity market and establishment of a maximum retail profit margin per MWh, on an annual basis.

2. Maximum limit on the profit margin from refining and marketing on a permanent basis at the average of all the member states of the European Union.

Temporarily for no less than 1 year, we are reducing the excise duty on fuel to the lowest allowable rate in the European Union.

Especially for agricultural oil, we are proceeding with a full refund of the excise tax and the establishment of a greatly reduced VAT rate of 6%, from the current 24%.

3. For food and consumer goods we are moving forward with capping profits throughout the supply chain and establishing daily intensive controls.

We impose a maximum profit margin on importers-domestic industrial producers and retail warehouses.

All this based on the average prices applicable to the respective products, but also to the same or similar companies in the 15 European countries with the lowest monthly individual and family income.

Temporarily, for 6+6 months, we proceed to zero the VAT rate in the categories of basic goods, as defined by ELSTAT, that is, in flour, bread, cereals, meat, dairy products, eggs, oils, vegetables and of course in all types of infant and toddler food.

In the permanent measures, we propose the inclusion of personal hygiene products for adults and baby care in the reduced VAT rate of 6% from 13% that is currently for baby items and from 24% that is currently for adult and super adult items.

We propose the reduction of the VAT rate to the average of the European Union, i.e. to the rates of 21%, 11% and 5% respectively in the remaining categories of goods, as well as to 6% for water supply from 13% and for drainage to 23% from 24% which is today.

4. In addition, we as SYRIZA-PS are proceeding with the immediate establishment of a consumer price observatory and will publish weekly comparative tables of product prices in Greece and 10 more European countries and for the 66 categories of basic goods that the current government legislated in 2023 as related to decent human living.

Related Articles:  Stefanos Kasselakis in New York and Washington - 2024-04-12 20:41:20

5. We continue with measures that increase disposable income and reduce production costs and propose the immediate reduction of the cost of the unlimited travel card from 27 euros to 9 euros, for all means of transport, i.e. metro, electric, tram, trolleys and buses.

6. In order to reduce agricultural and animal husbandry costs, we are committed to the establishment of transnational contracts for the supply of critical supplies and animal feed and the establishment of a maximum allowable selling price from multinational and domestic producers and suppliers.

And finally, we are committed to subsidizing animal feed and fertilizers in case of increases due to unpredictable external factors.

7. Regarding strengthening and improving the performance of the control mechanism and imposing fines on speculators, we link the amount of fines to the turnover of the penalized company.

We create a 5-year “blacklist” of businesses that profit or operate by circumventing competition. Whoever does not obey the law will forget all relations with the state as a client for five years.”

Continuing the presentation, he argued: “The cost of fighting accuracy is 3.243 billion euros and the revenue from the extraordinary taxation of filthy lucre amounts to 3.262 billion euros. More specifically and according to modest calculations:

a) an amount of 900 million euros from an extraordinary levy of 90% on the surplus profits of energy companies from September 2022 to December 2023.

b) an amount of 715 million euros from an extraordinary levy of 90% on the surplus profits of refining and trading companies for the year 2023.

c) an amount of 1.647 billion euros from an extraordinary contribution to the excess profits of banks at a rate of 90% for the year 2023.

He then developed SYRIZA’s proposals for “a fair, sustainable, simple and stable tax system for at least 10 years” saying: “For natural persons and self-employed professionals, we will submit a proposal for a law to modify the tax rates.” Specifically:

For incomes up to 10,000 euros tax-free for everyone.
For incomes from 10,000 – 15,000 euros instead of 22% that applies today, we propose 10%.
For incomes from 15,000 – 20,000 we recommend 12%.
For incomes from 20,000 – 26,000 euros at 15%.
For incomes from 26,000 – 30,000 euros from 28% to 18%.
For incomes from 30,000 – 40,000 euros from 36% to 22%.
For incomes from 40,000 – 60,000 euros from 44% to 30%.
For incomes from 60,000 – 80,000 euros from 44% to 36%.
For incomes from 80,000 – 100,000 euros from 44% to 38%.
For incomes from 100,000 – 200,000 euros, 44% remains
Above 200,000 euros we increase the tax rates, which reach up to 49% for those with incomes above 900,000 euros.
For businesses we are establishing a progressive tax scale with two simple rates:

17% instead of the current 22% for profits up to 220,000 euros and
24% instead of the current 22% for businesses with profits over 220,000 euros.
We as SYRIZA-PS prioritize 96.7% of all active businesses in the country, i.e. 303,000 companies and call on the approximately 10,000 companies, which exceed 220,000 euros in profit, to support them with this small increase who put their backs on them to exist today all the previous 14 years.

We are reducing employer and employee contributions by 4.5% within the first three years, in order to achieve, in combination with the other measures, a 5% reduction in unemployment.

We are completely abolishing the unfair and anti-development measure of advance tax. For all! Freelancers and businesses.

We are reducing the tax on rents up to 12,000 euros to 5% from the current 15%.

It closed with a challenge – an invitation to the prime minister: “Mr. Mitsotakis, come to Parliament and confront the proposed laws that we will submit. Let the people judge us. Based on what we will vote in the Parliament and not based on what your propaganda machine manufactures”.

#Kasselakis #Mitsotakis #obsessed #Announced #billion #measures #accuracy

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