Kasselakis for deletions, Tsipras and “Avgi” – 2024-07-09 07:43:55

“Convergence is very important, but in our system it must be done gradually, on the basis of the programs” noted the president of SYRIZA, Stefanos Kasselakis, commenting on the result of the French elections in the interview he gave on the show “Society Hour Mega”.

“Let’s see what happens in the end. It is the beginning of a process. The Left I emphasize and not the Center Left… the Left now has the most influence there and that is positive. But we need to remind ourselves and the world, which is France’s electoral system and which is ours. Here we are talking regarding 577 monohedral regions. If one does it in proportion to the population of Greece in France, we would have 89 Regions in Greece, with 89 unicameral Regions.

“Convergence in the current parliamentary system is obviously very important because there is also enhanced proportionality, but it must be done gradually on the basis of programs.”

“Do you think following 2 rounds we wouldn’t be forced to have a convergence of progressive forces? Then see how difficult it would be for Mr. Mitsotakis to get 41% plus bonus and be able to do whatever he wants in our country right now. We have a system of enhanced proportionality based purely on the strength of the parties in Parliament. We can’t compare dissimilar things like that”, said Stefanos Kasselakis.

And he continued: “For politics, if one takes the percentages of the first round of the municipal elections in Athens, and puts those percentages in the parliamentary elections in Greece for the Parliament, you understand that we are talking regarding a huge difference of this party and the possibility of self-reliance, etc. With these percentages, however, in the second round in Athens, with the support of SYRIZA, he would have been a progressive candidate, we managed to defeat Mr. Bakoyannis.

Convergence in the current parliamentary system is obviously very important because there is also enhanced proportionality, but it must be done gradually on the basis of programs. It is not the same as single-seat Regions”.

“To say apologies”

The president of SYRIZA referred to the scenarios of cooperation with PASOK, speaking once once more regarding an independent and strong SYRIZA. Stefanos Kasselakis set the framework for cooperation at the level of consultation in law proposals, but then said that apologies must be made on both sides for what has been said from time to time in previous years.

“Let’s start the discussion of convergence. I myself, in my speech to the KE on Saturday, said that in the next proposals of law – amendments that we will have in the Parliament, on the issue of the banks and their excess profits that harm the Greek people, that there I will address the leadership of PASOK – whatever if she is – when the proposals are ready, to work together to improve them. And if it’s a consensual framework, then fine. As SYRIZA we have absolutely no obstacle to have a very pro-people reform in the banks, in their super profits, in the commissions. Mr. Hatzidakis himself has not worked in the real economy, in business. The CFO must have experience in the real world of economics. A minister’s experience cannot be theoretical. Banks are regulated by the ECB. If the minister has the ability to do something, why doesn’t he do it?”

On the debts and finances of SYRIZA

“Another scourge we will find in front of us is private debt. The ruling party is constantly increasing its debt and we are seeing homes being lost to bad loans. As SYRIZA we have no bank debts. We have debts to suppliers. We want to rationalize spending with our income so that we can tell the world that we can build our house and therefore we can build our country. Why does the ND not present the debt regulation it has, while the world cannot have these regulations, its debts, and also the regulations of the politicians, their Pothen Esshes. We made an amendment for that.”

Regarding the financial situation of SYRIZA, he said that it is suffocating, however, he stated that there will be initiatives that will support the “recovery”.

“We want the arrangements of politicians to be public and the ND rejects this. As far as our own issue is concerned, it is something that we have found in front of us, which is why I had to lend for some Christmas presents. The frame has become suffocating. A large part of the party’s grant for the European elections went to the party’s media instead of going to ballots, campaigns and printing, etc. We have not found a solution with the latecomers of Avgi yet, but we have found ways to communicate. This part has been taken over by the local Committee approved by the KE which will present some proposals at the next PG, on Thursday at noon”, noted the president of SYRIZA.

For “Dawn”

For “Avgi”, he emphasized that he will once more wait for proposals from the financial committee and the workers themselves.

“We haven’t found a solution to the Dawn issue yet. We have found a communication that should govern this situation. The finance committee will present an analysis. We discussed it in April at the Executive Office. It is an issue that has been discussed many times. The thoughts and decisions of the previous leadership were simply not implemented. I get blamed for everything I do or don’t do. I represent the main shareholder of the two companies. It’s not my responsibility. I understand the political factor and the human factor. Employees will know what will happen. I expect proposals from them as well.”

For deletions

Regarding whether there will be deletions, St. Kasselakis stated: “The position of the KE is that SYRIZA has a president with a regular term. If someone says that X president should not be president, it is inconsistent with the decision. To express an opposing opinion, but there is a decision from the KE.

There is no controversy. I did the questionnaire that caused reactions. Let’s not confuse what my approach is. A statutory conference must be held. It is a process that requires thought and analysis of ideas. What I said in my speech were ideas. I said I might change my mind. It caused a positive disturbance in the room. In the European elections we had a large abstention. In France they participated once morest the extreme right. Society can be activated.”

For Alexis Tsipras

“All executives must say that SYRIZA must lead any agreement (including with PASOK). I want everyone to be able to be judged”, Stefanos Kasselakis said to a question he received regarding whether Alexis Tsipras is undermining him, stressing that the former prime minister will have a position in SYRIZA following the Congress.

“Obviously it has a place. The government of Alexis Tsipras offered a lot. I got an honorable mention on the State ballot. We did not enter for the cooperation with PASOK, we entered to support SYRIZA as a strong autonomous party. To cooperate in a change of law, in an amendment. And the executives of the two parties should say an apology for what has been said on both sides from earlier times. I don’t think that PASOK executives have a personal issue with me. The people who fight in the arena of politics have a memory. We have to solve these.”

Regarding whether the SYRIZA office building will be sold or rented, St. Kasselakis answered: “No, it’s not true. We will be doing many things from now on. There are many initiatives that would support the economic recovery of the party. I do not wish to leave Koumoundourou. I like this historic area.”

#Kasselakis #deletions #Tsipras #Avgi



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