Karol Cariola’s landing that entangled the Approval command and that seeks to prop up Heusser

A week ago, and while the mansion at London 43 began to take shape as the Approval command, a name emerged among some of the command’s representatives: Deputy PC Karol Cariola. Promoted by the Broad Front -and particularly by Social Convergence-, the idea of ​​adding the communist parliamentarian originated in a diagnosis that several of those who are recurrently in the “house of Approval” they shared and that, even, it was manifested yesterday in the meeting of the expanded political committee of the party leaders once President Gabriel Boric withdrew.

The perception in which several of the helmsmen of the ruling party agreed is that the lawyer Felipe Heusser -in his role as executive coordinator of the unitary command- has too many responsibilities and requests to be concentrated in a single person. In fact, some have questioned -in private- that this is a one-person role, and without a more “political” dimension, considering that in the unitary command of Approve x Chile the two ruling coalitions coexist.

Some voices point out that the name of Cariola first emerged in La Monedawhere some ministers of the political committee welcomed the incorporation of a popular figure, with “drag” and with territorial campaign experience.

However, his option did not attract consensus right off the bat. Surprisingly, within the same community of the deputy.

The reason? In a hidden way, in the permanent meetings that take place in London 43, PC representatives expressed their annoyance with the idea of ​​adding Cariola because it was not previously discussed with his party. It should be remembered that, within everything, the communists achieved representation in one of the decision-making spaces of the command -the executive secretariat- with Lautaro Carmona as one of the five coordinators. And inside the PC, Cariola’s closeness is much greater with the helmsman, Guillermo Teillier, than with the general secretary.

It is not the first time in the history of the installation of the coordination by the Approval that they manifest tensions between the PC and the Broad Front. During the first meetings more than a month ago, the communists expressed the annoyance caused by the Democratic Revolution (DR) proposing a “single strip” -proposed by Approve x Chile- of all the ruling party, without having previously proposed the document with I approve of Dignity as a whole.

Thus, and while some see less interest in the campaign on the part of some Democratic Socialist parties, I Approve Dignity reflect certain disputes over greater party protagonism, especially in well-evaluated figures, such as Cariola.

Although the profile of the position that deputy Karol Cariola will hold in London 43 is not yet completely closed, there is talk that it will boost the territorial coordination of the campaign, that it will “more strongly” promote the exit on the ground, which in the opinion of several representatives of the communities, has been “weak”. “The secret of the success of the Approval campaign will be in the territorial work (…). In that, the parties have experience”, confides one of the campaign leaders, who points out that the deployment cannot be solely in the hands of the social movements.

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Whether Cariola’s “range” will be parallel to or below Heusser’s coordination is an aspect that will be revealed in the coming hours. The truth is that from his environment they already confirm that he will have a role in the campaign, an announcement that was being refined this morning.

In any case, his arrival is the first indication of a greater presence of political parties, mainly the PC, in the Approval campaign.

During this morning, the digital medium El Siglo -associated with the PC- published an interview with Teillier, who pointed out that the differences in the command between the communities that bet on “Approve to reform”, versus those that propose to approve “just plain” do not are substantive, and showed an openness to making changes to the text.

“With a surname or without a surname, the important thing is to support the Approval and that the Approval wins. All are about to be approved, we have even said that changes can be made after approving the new Constitution, we are open for changes to be made once it is approved. The new Constitution itself says so, that it can be reformedand there is no doubt that as the bills that the new Constitution must install are being built, some improvements will be produced, certain concepts will be reinforced, so that no one has doubts or the door is opened to ghosts or truculence,” he said.

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