Karla Tarazona affirmed that she will reach a conciliation with Rafael Fernández

The driver Karla Tarazona confirmed that she will sign a conciliation with her still husband, the businessman Rafael Fernandezin the midst of the separation process that both face following announcing their breakup last Friday, August 26.

“With pleasure [firmarían la conciliación], I have three children, for them I have to be well. I want to end in peace,” said the television presenter in a telephone link with the program “Magaly TV: La Firme”, which on the night of Tuesday, August 30, also broadcast an interview with Fernández.

Secondly, Karla Tarazona He also referred to the statements of Rafael Fernandez, who assured that he would take care of the payment of the school of the children of his ex-partner. “For me, the basic and fundamental thing is his education,” said the businessman.

However, Tarazona replied: “The only thing I want to make clear is that I do not force anyone to do something (…) I have always taken care of the issue of my children. I do not want my children’s issues to be exposed anymore I have made many mistakes, but now the most important thing, and above all things, are my children”.

Karla Tarazona did not expect the separation

Karla Tarazona told Magaly Medina that the separation from Rafael Fernandez It was something that took her by surprise. “Not really [esperaba separarme], but it is better that it be now and not later, when there may be children involved. I’ve already lived through it,” she said.

She also reaffirmed that she will not resume the relationship, since it is a definitive goodbye with her still husband, despite “crying or suffering.” “In a decision as important as this there is no turning back,” said the host of the “D’Mañana” space.

“For me it is a duel, these are very complicated moments, but I also know that this will happen, that life goes on, one has to learn from this. Thank God there are people around me who support me, I am sure that things, As for my peace of mind, they will be better. The last thing I think regarding now is love. I’m not at my best, but I’ll be back, “he added.

Karla Tarazona and Rafael Fernández: This is how they announced their separation

Through a statement published on his Instagram account, Karla Tarazona y Rafael Fernandez They announced on August 26 that their marriage was coming to an end following almost two years of marriage.

“This type of news will always be difficult to give. We want to inform you of our decision to separate by mutual agreement, very thoughtful due to the love and respect we have for each other,” said the message that appeared in the stories section of the aforementioned social network.

“This process is difficult for both parties and we intend to convey it by asking for respect, discretion and care to preserve the well-being of those involved. We thank our public and the media for their understanding and respect in this situation since we will not speak more regarding this issue” , he added.

As remembered, Karla Tarazona y Rafael Fernandez They were married on December 18, 2020, in a private ceremony that took place in the district of La Molina.


I understood that reference

EER 4×05 Series and movies we always return to + our recommendations

We all have a series or movie that we never get tired of watching. If we find it started, we leave it on, or go into our favorite app and it’s our “old trusty”. In this episode we talk regarding those productions that have no loses and we also leave you our recommendations, and then finish with recommendations for Father’s Day (yes, we recorded before, but you just listen).



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