Karla Melo responded without a filter to a particular joke by name

In the midst of this pandemic, actress Karla Melo has been quite active on her social networks, especially when we talk regarding her work postcards.

However, now Melo took over his Instagram account, to respond without a filter to a particular joke that was written to him by name.

The young woman, who recently stood out as a participant in the star “Aquí se baila”, responded to a message left on her official Instagram account.

“Wow what an ingenuity”

“Yesterday I did my own makeup using everything I’ve learned in @kamila_melo__’s classes,” said the actress.

Incidentally, the young woman shared two photos of the look she exhibited on Thursday night during the final of the Channel 13 program.

“How are you? And… have you seen my new dance video?”, She took the opportunity to consult regarding a clip that she recently released.

However, in this context, a user wrote a misplaced comment.

“Karla Melo Garra”, indicated the fans, generating a reaction from Karla.

“Wow what ingenuity!!!! PLEASE LET’S APPLAUD THIS CRACK”, expressed the influencer, who provoked a new intervention of the subject in question.

“Don’t worry, you are far smarter than me… It’s just a humorous teacher,” he closed.

Check here the moment



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