Karine Le Marchand gives the real reasons for Jean-Claude’s suicide

The death of Jean-Claude Joly turned the show L’amour est dans le pré upside down. Karine Le Marchand paid tribute to the breeder on her Instagram account. A relative of Jean-Claude confided that he was in a situation of financial difficulty. The host added that her life had known violent deaths. She made a testimony very touching. Read the following article for more details regarding the reasons behind this tragic event…

Karine Le Marchand paid tribute to Jean-Claude Joly

It was a real drama for the production of Love is in the meadow. June 25Jean-Claude Joly, former candidate of the show, committed suicide in the barn of his farm. This is located in the village of La Frenaye in Normandy. Karine Le Marchand was very touched by this death.

Karine Le Marchand paid tribute to her protege some time following the suicide. She wrote on her Instagram account that words failed him but not tears. The host thanked him for giving joy and affection during their meetings.

Jean-Claude Joly was in a serious money problem

Karine Le Marchand added that since Jean-Claude Joly, milk producer, has decided to end his life, that he can rest in peace. His thoughts are with his wife Maud and their 8-year-old daughter Charlotte. Jean-Claude met his wife Maud thanks to the show Love is in the meadow in 2011. They got engaged in 2012 but are not actually married. Remember that Jean-Claude was fined €300 for domestic violence in 2016.

According to Behold, these are problems of money that would have incited Jean-Claude Joly to commit suicide. Indeed, once he has paid his fees, he only had 100 € left a month to support his little family. He fought for years to survive, but he mightn’t pull it off. In a word, he was literally at his wit’s end. This is what a relative of the breeder confided.

Karine Le Marchand added that he should not have committed suicide because of financial problems

Karine Le Marchand mentioned among other things that the life of Jean-Claude Joly was a life of trials with the dead violent. He decided to change the exploitation and stop trafficking. When she met him, he lived in a mobile home and reclaimed a milking parlor from his father and mother. He switched to fattening calves for overseas. This is considered less constraining.


Karine Le Marchand continued that he also had too much mourning which decided Jean-Claude Joly’s suicide. She still added that a financial problem should not be a reason for a suicide. The Coronavirus health crisis also has a lot of impact for farmers. Karine concluded that he was a great man and that we liked him very much. It was a very moving testimony.



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