“The channels of communication are open, but with firm positions, always formulated with absolute clarity”, he noted and pointed out that “the claim that Konstantinos Karamanlis was ready to enter into an all-out negotiation with Turkey, as heard from some quarters, is not true last”.
The founder of ND, emphasized the former Prime Minister, “believed that the only difference with Turkey, i.e. the delimitation of the continental shelf in the Aegean, should be resolved in accordance with International Law and international treaties, if necessary with an appeal to the International Court of Justice of The Hague on the basis of a co-signatory. And it was Turkey that backed down then. This is the historical truth. In other words, the insinuation that Konstantinos Karamanlis would be willing to discuss issues that Turkey unilaterally and arbitrarily tries to add to the agenda over time is inaccurate, misguided and perhaps out of slyness.”
Mr. Karamanlis noted that “the legacy of Konstantinos Karamanlis has special significance even today. Because the democratic state may indeed be firmly established in our country, the number of countries with a democratic regime may indeed have increased significantly around the world, but risks to democracy and especially its quality lurk and must be dealt with effectively before they cause irreparable damage”.
He specifically referred to the widening of social inequalities and the marginalization of large sections of the population that “push a growing number of citizens to abstain and refuse the political process. Even worse in the eyes of many the system has lost its legitimacy.
They either turn into ‘fugitives from politics’, i.e. they reject their participation in the commons, or into ‘political nomads’ leaving historical parties and turning to more extreme voices and forms. And their dissatisfaction and disappointment leads public life to more and more acuteness, aggression, verbal and not only violence, injuring in this way stability and the democratic process”.
He even characterized as “urgent” the need “for the West to form a new social-economic model that will respond to the anxieties, the impasses, the exclusion felt especially by the less favored citizens”.
Kostas Karamanlis underlined that “no political system, even parliamentary democracy, can survive for a long time if it does not have strong legitimacy and credibility in the eyes of the vast majority of citizens. And they add fuel to the fire by those who arrogantly and arrogantly denigrate the disgruntled and protesting citizens as regressive, atomized or extremists.
He spoke of the “shocking revelation of a recent survey of public opinion, that 50% of the respondents state that they feel ‘outside the walls’, outside society, that is, excluded and unprotected. The growing gap between the few haves and the many have-nots is a bomb in the foundations of democratic normality and stability, and indeed not a slow-burning one.”
An equally serious matter, said the former prime minister, “is the growing lack of respect for institutions. Lawlessness, all forms of criminality, from child violence and hooliganism to the activity of organized crime clearly show that legitimacy is increasingly questioned. It is the same with justice. A sense of partiality towards the powerful, and strictness towards the weak, lingers in many European societies. Even EU member states are tempted to manipulate justice. It should be unthinkable and yet it happens. The delay in delivering justice aggravates the situation even more. But if the many do not trust justice, the democratic state is undermined. Belief in justice is a fundamental condition for the functioning of democracy. As Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of the USA, said, “I believe that the first duty of society is justice.”
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// CleverCore
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// For Google AdSense
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// Phaistos Adman
// Glomex
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// Vidoomy
// Weather
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#Karamanlis #national #concerns #reasonable #due #Turkeys #aggression
Render-blocking resources
The provided code snippet seems to be a part of a JavaScript script that manages various advertisement integrations and third-party services. There’s also a potential issue with syntax, as placeholders and commented-out lines hint at unfinished implementations.
Here’s a summary of the main elements in the code:
1. **AdSense Handling**:
– It removes any `.adsbygoogle` elements if certain conditions are met.
– It checks for the presence of AdSense slots and suggests that there should be a loading mechanism in place, though commented-out code indicates a pause in the implementation.
2. **Adman Integration**:
– The `AdmanQueue` is set up to push an advertisement unit with a specific ID, although the details are cut off in your snippet.
3. **OneSignal Configuration**:
– OneSignal is initiated with an App ID, suggesting this script manages push notifications.
4. **Disqus Configuration**:
- The script is prepared to load Disqus comments. It includes a configuration function and sets a timeout to load the Disqus script after 3 seconds.
5. **Generic `asyncLoadScript` Function Calls**:
– There are multiple instances of `asyncLoadScript` which appear to be intended to load various ad networks or scripts asynchronously.
– Some calls are commented out, indicating you might want to utilize load behave on conditions, but the specific URLs and parameters are missing.
6. **Additional Advertiser Integrations**:
– Comments hint at async loading for services such as CleverCore, Taboola/Project Agora, Glomex, Dalecta, and Vidoomy, though many lines are incomplete or commented out.
### Possible Next Steps:
1. **Complete the URLs**: Ensure you replace placeholder strings (like `asyncLoadScript(‘`) with the actual script URLs and necessary JavaScript code.
2. **Uncomment Necessary Code**: If specific integrations are needed, uncomment those lines and ensure that valid parameters are being passed.
3. **Error Handling**: Consider wrapping your script loading functions in try/catch blocks to handle potential errors gracefully.
4. **Testing**: Once the script is complete, it will be essential to test it across various browsers and devices to ensure that it loads correctly and doesn’t negatively impact page performance.
5. **Documentation and Comments**: Providing more detailed comments about what each section does can be beneficial for future maintenance.
Below is a pseudo-code style of what the initial structure could look like with placeholders filled in:
} else {
document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) {
const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);
const adSenseSlotCount = adSenseSlots.length;
if (adSenseSlotCount > 0) {
adSenseSlots.forEach(function(e) {
// Load each AdSense slot here
// Phaistos Adman Setup
window.AdmanQueue = window.AdmanQueue || [];
AdmanQueue.push(function() {
Adman.adunit({ id: 338, h: ‘…’ }); // Complete with height or other necessary params
// OneSignal Initialization
window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];
OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {
appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,
// Disqus Configuration
var disqus_config = function() {
this.page.url = “https://your-site-url”; // Complete with actual URL
this.page.identifier = 1558528; // Ensure this identifier is unique for every page
setTimeout(function() {
(function() {
var d = document,
s = d.createElement(‘script’);
s.src = “https://YOUR_DISQUS_URL.js”; // Complete with actual Disqus URL
s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());
(d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);
}, 3000);
// Function to handle completion actions
function cmpActionCompleted() {
// Load additional script integrations
// Additional logic and script loading based on conditions
This example aims to provide a clearer structure and encourages adding complete URLs and parameters.