Kaohsiung adds 58 cases in Zuoying branch, 1 person with unknown source of infection is locked down

The Gao Municipal Government announced today 58 new confirmed cases, including 2 people who contracted the virus in entertainment venues in Pingtung, and 8 cases in other counties and cities. The police in the Zuoying branch have been infected with the epidemic. More than 300 people have been tested. At present, a total of 10 people have been diagnosed, and the source of infection is located in 1 external person.


Provided by Kaohsiung City Government

In the tourism history section of other counties and cities, 2 cases were from Taipei, 1 case was in Taipei from 4/3 to 4/6 and was a high-risk field worker, and the other case 4/12 participated in Zhang Huimei (Amei) Small Arena The concert, the seats are in the yellow 3 area.

Chen Qimai said that so far, there have been 8 cases in the tourism history of other counties and cities today, including Taipei, Taichung, and Hualien. The source of the infection can be traced in detail. There have been no new confirmed cases in Accord, Golden Paris, Imperial Palace, and Great Empire. Today, the increase is mostly due to the yin-to-yang part. However, the local epidemic situation in Kaohsiung City, with the north-south movement, the number of tourism history in other counties and cities continues to increase. Come back to Kaohsiung Community risk has also increased.

Chen Qimai also confirmed that 10 people in the Zuoying Branch were diagnosed. Due to the impact on their duties, the police station immediately made adjustments. It was determined that the source of infection came from a person’s contact in the community, and the infection due to workplace or work duties was ruled out. The Gao Municipal Government also announced the distribution map of the clusters of confirmed cases in the Zuoying Branch. The main office areas of the confirmed patients are concentrated on the 6th, 7th and 8th floors. Due to the limited scope of the diagnosis, the Health Bureau has locked relevant objects. Basically, the index case is 31365. The case is being traced to the source and under investigation and expanded collection and inspection.

Regarding the start of home care, Chen Qimai said that an application has been submitted to the central government, and it should be approved soon. Kaohsiung has also prepared for this for a long time, and it can be done at any time. It is all ready. Initially, whole-person care and graded medical treatment will be adopted to maintain the medical capacity needed for real emergencies, and it will be officially explained tomorrow.

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The Gao Municipal Government announced that at present, all 4 schools on campus and 38 classes are suspended. 1,606 teachers and students are isolated at home, and 1,144 people are under self-health management. It also reminds self-health managers to also prohibit school visits to reduce the risk of campus clustering.

The footprints of the confirmed cases were announced today in more than 30 locations, including 7-11 Goldin stores, Xiangxin KTV Arena, Glorious KTV, Universal Studios in Lingya District, Yujie International Badminton Club, Climbing grid Chinese cram school, etc. , and a number of confirmed cases have visited “Hello Salted Chicken” on the same day.


Provided by Kaohsiung City Government


Provided by Kaohsiung City Government


Provided by Kaohsiung City Government


Provided by Kaohsiung City Government

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