Kansas set to vote on abortion rights, a test ballot for the United States

This first ballot will be seen as a real test for the whole of the United States, while other American states will vote in the coming weeks: in November, California and Kentucky will express themselves on the question at the same time as the midterm gubernatorial elections. The result in Kansas can serve as an indicator in a country torn on the issue.

“Ultimately, the amendment takes away that right to personal autonomy enjoyed by all Kansas people and that we be able to make decisions regarding our bodies, our families, our future without government interference is a right “told AFP Ashley All, spokesperson for the “no” campaign of “Kansans for Constitutional Freedom” (KCF).

“No” supporters watch with anxiety as neighboring states of Missouri and Oklahoma have imposed near-total bans. Missouri, for example, does not allow exceptions to abortion in cases of rape or incest.

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