Kanichukulangara Murder Case: State Government Opposes Accused’s Bail Plea

2023-12-06 06:58:54

New Delhi: The state government has told the Supreme Court that Sajith, who is serving a life sentence in the Kanichkulangara murder case, is a heartless and cruel criminal. The state government made this clear in its affidavit against the petition filed by Sajith, who was the managing director of Himalaya Chitticompany seeking bail.

Sajith submitted the bail application to the court as the appeal was taking a long time to consider. The government told the court that Sajith did not deserve the mercy of the justice system. Kanichukulangara was a gruesome murder committed for a business grudge. The government said Sajith distributed sweets in his office after killing his business rival Ramesh. Sajith also killed innocent people. The court adjourned the hearing of the petition to January. Harshad V. for the State Govt. Hamid appeared in court.

A lorry hit the car in which Ramesh and Lata, the owners of Everest chit fund and driver Shamsuddin were traveling. The court convicted the accused including the first accused lorry driver Unni, managing directors of Himalaya Chitticompany Cherai Nochikat Sajith and Kalamthi Bineesh. The case is that the accused planned the murder thinking that Ramesh Everest Chitty Fund, who had resigned from the position of General Manager of the Himalaya Group, would be a threat to them.

English Summary:

Kanichukulangara murder case; State government against accused bail plea

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