“Kangaroo on Train Tracks: Unusual Sight Captured by SNCB Staff”

2023-05-26 16:13:00

It is an atypical scene witnessed by SNCB staff who were on board an IC train to Welkenraedt on Thursday. A small kangaroo, probably a wallaby, ended up on the way to the train. He was hopping on the rails when the vehicle approached. The driver slowed down so as not to hit the animal with its completely white coat.

The controllers immortalized the scene on video and one of them shared the images on social networks. “Are travelers going to treat us as mythomaniacs when we give them, because of our delay, the excuse ‘kangaroo in the tracks’?” Asks the author of the video with humor.

The wallaby finally moved away from the tracks, but to avoid any danger, railway safety officials were called to the scene, specifies RTBF. Marsupial specialists also went to the scene to take the animal to a safe place.

#Kangaroo #train #tracks #Welkenraedt #delays #VIDEO

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