2024-01-06 12:17:00
[OSEN=선미경 기자] Animal trainer Kang Hyeong-wook corrected the incorrectly listed educational background.
Hyung-wook Kang conducted a review of Namu Wiki in a video released through ‘Hyung-wook Kang’s Bodeum TV’ on the followingnoon of the 6th. It was time for him to personally explain what was true, what was wrong, and what was strange among the posts regarding him.
On this day’s broadcast, Kang Hyung-wook attracted attention by mentioning his educational background. It was written on Namu Wiki that he graduated from Dankook University’s College of Biotechnology, Department of Animal Resources.
Regarding this, Kang Hyeong-wook said, “I graduated from Dankook University? I thought you majored in animal resources. no. I have never been to university. I am a high school graduate. I want to go later, I want to go to Ewha Womans University. There is Professor Choi Jae-cheon at Ewha Womans University. He attracted attention by saying, “He is a world-renowned scholar related to animal behavior in our country.”
Also, regarding the explanation that Kang Hyeong-wook said, ‘Because I learned the training philosophy in Europe, I tend to be perceived as an overseas group,’ he said, “They say we do European-style training or American-style training, but that is absolutely not the case. I think we are doing very typical Korean style training. “I definitely plan to work as a trainer in New York later,” he said.
In particular, regarding the statement that ‘training programs are expensive,’ Kang Hyeong-wook said, “What is a bit upsetting is that an article appeared with the impression that our training programs are expensive. There are many misunderstandings regarding this and people think they will make a lot of money, but when people in business see it, they ask, ‘Why Kang Hyeong-wook? “We don’t run a kindergarten, we don’t run a hotel, we don’t do anything,” he explained.
He said, “When you have two duties: entrusting and teaching, they clash. So, out of pride, I didn’t pay attention to making money, but I thought, ‘I make a lot of money.’ “I get so upset every time people say ‘it’s expensive,’” he said.
Kang Hyung-wook gained popularity by appearing on several broadcasts as an animal trainer. /[email protected]
[사진]’Kang Hyung-wook’s Bodeum TV’ broadcast screen capture
#Kang #Hyeongwook #Ewha #Womans #University #graduating #high #school #Dankook #University.종합