“Kandrianika Patras” by Nikos Antonopoulos is presented

“Kandrianika Patras” by Nikos Antonopoulos is presented

Papazisis Publications and Discover Bookstore invite us to the presentation of the book by Nikos Antonopoulos “”Kandrianika Patras” A micro-history”

The event will take place on Wednesday, October 2nd at 19:00 at the DECK multi-purpose hall, Old North reception station of the Port of Patras “Panagiotis Kanellopoulos” (Iroon Polytechniou 1 & Norman, Patra)

The book will be discussed by:

Kostas Logaras, philologist and writer

Konstantinos Magnis, Director of “Peloponnisos” Newspaper, Author

Dimitris Avramidis, Journalist-Critic

Nikos K. Antonopoulos, Author

The event will be moderated by Konstantina Tsichla, Journalist

Before and after the event, music and songs related to the story will be heard.

A few words about the book…

The neighborhood and the city. The life that leaves and returns to an unrecognizable place, because cities and their neighborhoods live longer than their people.

Life in Kantrianika is a rich canvas of joys, sorrows, beauties and disappointments. Children’s games, recreations, churches and mourning functions foot soldiers, old neighborhood situations.
The past that fights hard not to be forgotten and returns to today through traces and images. A neighborhood struggling to survive in poverty and slums. A city that sees its greatness slowly fade away. With the new generations commemorating them, leaving invisible traces for posterity. Close to Asti, Panachaiko, Kastro and the countryside of Eglicada.

Hard and unpaid jobs, emigration, meager goods and few comforts. It captures the changes, and the uniqueness of an area that has seen a lot. Through a personal narrative he conveys experiences and adventures of the first post-war generation and reproduces old glories and tragic stories of the Occupation, the war and the civil disaster. It describes the rebellious youth of the time on a dream journey towards a left-wing Utopia and its thwarting.

It is both a tribute to the past and a bridge to the future. It deposits knowledge and reflections, giving testimonies for future generations. With a strong sense of time shifting, it creates a bridge of communication with the future.
This book is an ideal choice for those looking for a deep and rich narrative that combines history with personal experience. A fascinating, synthetic and deeply human work, it highlights the value of memory and the preservation of identity, which touches the heart of the reader.

A few words about the author…

Nikos K. Antonopoulos, born in Patras, belongs to the first post-war generation. He is married and has two sons.

He grew up in Patras, studied law and economics in Thessaloniki. During the period of the dictatorship he was repeatedly persecuted and imprisoned for his ideas. He remains highly politicized, but non-partisan. He worked as a lawyer and legal advisor for 45 years. He devoted himself to the commons of the city for thirty years.

Elected municipal councilor, he served 12 years as deputy mayor of the Municipality of Patreon where he was involved in solving vital problems of the city. He fought for critical, local, urban and environmental issues. He participated in many national and international regional development conferences. It participates in humanitarian initiatives and fights for the protection of the environment, with actions for forests, ecosystems, water, waste. He is intensively engaged in sustainable cultivation. He reads literature, classical thinkers, researches current and historical issues. He is interested in new technologies and artificial intelligence. He is deeply concerned about the nightmarish climate change, the country’s demographic collapse, stunted democracy, cultural decline, de-Hellenism. He travels, hikes, chooses, challenges stereotypes and myths. He writes frequently and tries his hand at the exciting writing field of late.

#Kandrianika #Patras #Nikos #Antonopoulos #presented



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