Kamala Harris wants to censor Twitter (X): “Elon Musk has lost his privileges, he must be removed”

The Vice President of the United States Kamala Harristhe Democratic candidate, wants to censor X (Twitter), as the communist has already done this week in Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva under commandcriminalizing the digital platform used by 200 million people in the Brazilian country. «Elon Musk has lost his privileges, it must be set aside“Kamala Harris said in a past statement that went viral this Sunday.The bottom line is that you can’t say you have one rule for Facebook and a different one for Twitter,” Kamala Harris has admitted in the interview about the social network, which she wants to control and, at the same time, uses to attack its owner, Elon Musk. Harris wants a double standard: she wants to eliminate Donald Trump and Musk himself and, at the same time, control the speeches on the social network of the billionaire.

In this regard, in the interview with the journalist of the leftist network CNN, Jake Tapper, Kamala Harris has highlighted that “the same rule must be appliedThat is, these social media sites need to be held accountable to understand their power. They are speaking directly to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation, and that has to end,” Harris stressed, while even journalist Jake Tapper shrugged, although he fell silent after Harris’s explanation.

Kamala Harris not only wants to ban Elon Musk, as has been done with Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook during the pandemic, but has also demanded in the past that former US President Donald Trump, the Republican candidate, be banned from the social network. In September 2019, when she was a presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries, Harris asked to remove Trumpthen president of the United States, access to social networks“Let’s face it, @realDonaldTrump’s Twitter account should be suspended,” he wrote at the time as part of his campaign against Trump and other conservatives, whom Democrats wanted off social media because liberal leftists considered their speech to be inciting hatred.

Before Trump-friendly tycoon Elon Musk bought the social network Twitter and renamed it X, Their moderation policies were established and carried out by leftist tech workers, who were sympathetic to conservative rhetoric, and who were subsequently fired by the South African billionaire. At the time, the Democrats were silent.

Since the Elon Musk endorsed Trump on July 13the day of the attack on the Republican, Vice President Kamala Harris and her campaign team have done nothing but attack him repeatedly. The campaign has called Musk and Trump “self-obsessed rich people.”

Harris’ allies, incluido Shawn Fainthe president of the United Auto Workers, the largest union in the auto industry in the United States, They have continued their attacks against Musk. They have been joined by other union leaders with a strategy of harassment and destruction reminiscent of the one carried out by Barack Obama’s campaign team in 2012 against My roomand, Republican candidate, former governor of Massachusetts.



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