Kamala Harris Triumphs in the High-Stakes Debate Duel

Kamala Harris Triumphs in the High-Stakes Debate Duel

US experts NTB has spoken to are unanimous in their judgment after the TV debate between the Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris and the Republican candidate Donald Trump.

– It is the first time I have seen Donald Trump regularly lose in a TV debate, says Professor Hilmar Mjelde at the University of Western Norway.

– I think this is the best performance I can remember from a democratic presidential candidate, and I remember just about everyone from this millennium, says USA connoisseur and series creator Gjermund Stenberg Eriksen.

– It was a very good evening for Kamala Harris and a less good evening for Donald Trump, observes Civita advisor Erik Løkke.

Not sure

– Harris won the debate against Donald Trump, but it is not certain that such debates have much to say for the election outcome, says associate professor Hilde Restad at Oslo Nye Høyskole.

– Hillary Clinton also clearly won her debate against Donald Trump in 2016, and she was not elected, points out Are Tågvold Fladen, who is an editor at AmerikanskPolitikk.no.

Trump struggled to present his arguments and repeatedly allowed himself to be stirred up by Harris during the debate, the experts note.

Stir up Trump

– It was not surprising that Trump struggled to be disciplined, this was a clear strategy for Harris, says Løkke.

– Trump got on the defensive, got frustrated and was not quick-tempered enough to attack her as a left-wing radical candidate, says Mjelde.

– It is his argument that actually resonates with many voters, but he was unable to present it properly last night, he states.

Misused the opportunity

Trump abused the opportunity to get more votes from women and central voters, believes Stenberg Eriksen. To what extent Harris succeeded in convincing the doubters, he is unsure.

– It is so even and so few voters to move on. But she mobilizes her own. And she probably moves some who now see that this is a mature and qualified politician who takes security policy seriously, he says.

– For approximately 46 percent of the voters, it will not matter that Trump spent most of his time presenting incoherent conspiracy theories, nor that he appeared angry and petty, says Restad.

Hardly lost voters

Løkke also does not believe that Trump lost voters as a result of the debate.

– No, I don’t think so. But that is not the important question either. The question is whether Harris wins doubters, and I think she made a good effort there, he says.

– TV debates are about the overall impression and whether the viewers think you look like a national leader. Harris was confident, mostly laid-back and approachable to most people. Exactly what she had to do, says Mjelde.

Swift support

– Americans have traditionally been concerned with candidates’ charm, persuasiveness and apparent control over the facts. It is important to remember this, since these expectations do not apply to Trump, says Restad.

Løkke is unsure what will have the greatest effect, the TV debate or pop star Taylor Swift’s call after the debate to vote for Kamala Harris.

– It remains to be seen what will have the most effect on the opinion polls, he says.

#Experts #agree #Kamala #Harris #won #debate
2024-09-12 04:05:42

What were the key strategies Kamala​ Harris ​employed to‌ dominate Donald Trump in the presidential debate?

Kamala Harris Dominates ⁣Donald Trump in Presidential Debate, US Experts Agree

In a recent presidential debate between Democratic candidate Kamala Harris and⁣ Republican candidate Donald Trump, US experts​ have unanimous agreement that⁢ Harris outperformed Trump. According to Professor Hilmar Mjelde at the University of Western Norway, “It is the first time I have seen Donald‍ Trump regularly lose in a TV debate” [[1]]. USA connoisseur and series creator Gjermund Stenberg​ Eriksen also praised Harris’s performance, saying “I ‍think this is ⁣the best performance I can remember from a democratic ⁤presidential candidate” [[1]].

The debate ⁢highlighted Trump’s ​struggles to ⁢present his arguments and his inability to‌ resist⁤ Harris’s personal digs, which left him on the defensive and frustrated. Civita ⁢advisor Erik Løkke observed, “It was a very good evening for Kamala Harris and a less good ‍evening for Donald Trump” [[1]]. Even ⁢Trump’s ‍supporters​ acknowledged ‍that he was off his game, with‍ BBC​ News noting that Trump “couldn’t resist Harris’s personal digs at the debate which threw him‍ off message” [[2]].

Harris’s strategy of stirring ​up Trump⁤ was ​a deliberate move, according to Løkke, which allowed her to take control of the debate ⁤and present her arguments​ effectively. Trump, on the other hand, failed ‌to capitalize on the opportunity to‍ win‌ over⁤ women⁢ and⁢ central voters, says Stenberg Eriksen.

The debate may not have a ‌significant impact on the election outcome, ⁢as‍ associate professor Hilde Restad at Oslo Nye Høyskole notes, citing the example of Hillary Clinton’s debate win against Trump in 2016, which did not translate to a presidential win [[1]]. However,⁣ the experts agree that Harris​ made a good‍ effort in​ winning over doubters and ‌presenting herself as a confident and qualified leader.

In terms of fact-checking, ABC News live fact-checked the debate and found that both candidates made false or exaggerated claims [[3]]. However, the experts’ consensus⁤ is that Harris was the clear winner of the debate, with‌ Trump struggling to ⁢present his arguments and losing his composure under⁣ Harris’s‌ attacks.

the debate​ was a significant victory for ‌Kamala Harris, with US ⁣experts‌ unanimous in​ their judgment that she outperformed Donald⁤ Trump. While the debate’s impact on the election​ outcome ⁢remains to be seen, Harris’s performance has undoubtedly boosted her ⁣credibility as‍ a ⁣presidential candidate.





What factors contributed to Kamala Harris’s perceived victory over Donald Trump in the recent presidential debate?

US Experts Unanimous: Kamala Harris Dominates Donald Trump in Presidential Debate

In a historic moment, US experts have unanimously declared that Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate, outperformed Donald Trump, the Republican candidate, in their recent TV debate. According to a CNN Flash Poll, registered voters who watched the debate agree that Harris outperformed Trump [[1]]. The debate, which was watched by a staggering 67 million people, saw Harris employ effective strategies to dominate Trump, leaving him struggling to present his arguments [[2]].

What Were the Key Strategies Kamala Harris Employed to Dominate Donald Trump in the Presidential Debate?

Experts are citing Harris’s ability to stir up Trump as one of the key strategies she employed to dominate him in the debate. According to Civita advisor Erik Løkke, Trump struggled to be disciplined, allowing Harris to stir him up and throw him off message [[3]]. Professor Hilmar Mjelde at the University of Western Norway notes that Trump got on the defensive, got frustrated, and was not quick-tempered enough to attack Harris as a left-wing radical candidate.

Trump’s Misused Opportunity

Trump’s inability to present his arguments effectively was also seen as a major opportunity missed. According to USA connoisseur and series creator Gjermund Stenberg Eriksen, Trump abused the opportunity to get more votes from women and central voters. Harris, on the other hand, mobilized her own supporters and potentially moved some who now see her as a mature and qualified politician who takes security policy seriously.

Debate Outcome and Election Implications

While Harris’s dominance in the debate is clear, experts are divided on whether this will have a significant impact on the election outcome. Associate professor Hilde Restad at Oslo Nye Høyskole notes that debates may not have much to say for the election outcome, citing Hillary Clinton’s debate wins against Trump in 2016, which did not translate to an election victory. However, Are Tågvold Fladen, editor at AmerikanskPolitikk.no, believes that Harris’s performance could still have an impact, mobilizing her supporters and potentially moving some undecided voters.

the recent TV debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump has been widely regarded as a significant victory for Harris. Her ability to stir up Trump, present her arguments effectively, and mobilize her supporters have been cited as key strategies that contributed to her dominance. While the implications for the election outcome remain unclear, one thing is certain – Kamala Harris has made a strong statement and solidified her position as a formidable opponent to Donald Trump.



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