Kamala Harris Takes on Trump in Historic First Presidential Debate

The first debate between the presidential candidate Donald Trump and Kamala Harris lasted 90 minutes and during this time, apart from political issues, personal attacks were also made on each other. Kamalahiras forced Donald Trump to take a defensive stance in the first presidential debate. The two personalities also shook hands with each other when they reached the stage. During the debate, when Trump repeatedly criticized Joe Biden, Kamala Harris reminded him that his opponent, not Biden, is the presidential candidate.

According to international media, in the first presidential debate, both presidential candidates presented their views on the economy, immigration, abortion, Russia-Ukraine war, Gaza war and other important issues.

The economy

In the first phase of the discussion, the economy was discussed. Kamala Harris said she will work on housing issues for American families and wants to promote small businesses to improve the nation’s economy.

At the same time, Kamala Harris criticized her political rival Trump, saying that he only wants to do what he did before and that he wants to give tax breaks to billionaires and companies.

Trump responded to Kamala Harris’s criticism by saying, “The administration has taken ‘billions’ from China in tariffs, which have remained in place since she left office.”

Harris’ stance on abortion silenced the hall

Abortion was the third topic of conversation between the two after discussing the economy and immigration. Kamala remained silent on the last sentence of Harris.

Trump claimed that our party wants to allow abortion in the ninth month of pregnancy.

In her response, Kamala Harris said Trump appointed three Supreme Court justices who had struck down abortion rights two years ago. In a very emotional voice, Kamala said that women are bleeding in cars parked in the parking lot because they cannot get an abortion. People don’t want that.

Ukraine and Russia war

Kamala Harris criticized Trump unusually on the issue of war in Ukraine and Russia. Addressing Trump, Harris said that our NATO allies are extremely grateful that you are no longer president, otherwise Putin would be sitting in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, and his eyes would be on the rest of Europe.

Kamala Harris added that ‘Putin is a dictator who will eat you for lunch.’

Trump responded by calling Kamala Harris the ‘worst vice president’ in history and claiming she failed to stop the war by negotiating between Ukraine and Russia before the attack.

Palestine and Israel War

Both presidential candidates were asked by the host how they could end the Israeli attacks in Gaza and the deadlock in negotiations.

Kamalahiras began his response by saying that ‘Israel has the right to defend itself’ but that the war must end. At the same time, he has talked about the two-state solution and the reconstruction of Gaza along with the demand for a ceasefire.

On this occasion, Trump said that ‘if he were the president, this would not have happened’. Trump accused Harris of hating Israel. If she becomes president, I am sure that in two years from now, Israel will not exist.

Former US President Donald Trump said that during the era of Biden and Kamala, hundreds of people are entering the US illegally every day. If Kamala Harris is elected as president, the country will never develop.

Kamala Harris said that many people say that if Trump comes back to power, it will be a disaster. Trump himself is involved in crimes. He will be sentenced in November. Trump does not obey or listen to anyone. Kamala Harris called Donald Trump a dictator. Declared.

#Presidential #Debate #Kamala #Harris #Puts #Trump #Defensive #World
2024-09-15 06:25:55

What were the key‍ issues ⁣discussed in the first presidential debate between Trump and Harris?

The First Presidential Debate: Trump vs. Harris

The highly anticipated first presidential ‍debate ⁣between Donald Trump and Kamala ‍Harris took place on September 11, 2024, in Philadelphia. The ‍90-minute debate saw both candidates present their‍ views on various issues, including the economy, immigration, abortion, the Russia-Ukraine war, and the Gaza war. However, personal⁣ attacks were also a significant part of the ⁢debate, with both candidates taking jabs at​ each ​other.

Economy and Housing

The debate kicked‌ off with a ⁤discussion on the economy, with Kamala Harris‌ emphasizing her plans ‍to address ‍housing issues for American families and promote small businesses to improve the nation’s economy. Harris criticized Trump, accusing him of wanting to give tax breaks to billionaires and companies, just like he​ did before. Trump responded‍ by claiming that his ⁣administration had taken “billions” from China in tariffs, which have remained in place since Harris left office [[1]].

Abortion Rights

The topic of abortion sparked a⁢ heated exchange ‍between the two candidates. Trump claimed that Harris’s party wants to allow abortion in the ninth month of pregnancy. Harris responded emotionally, stating that Trump had appointed three Supreme Court justices who had struck down abortion rights two years ago. She emphasized that women are suffering and‍ bleeding in cars parked in parking lots because they cannot access abortion ⁤services, and that people do not want that [[3]].

Russia-Ukraine War

Harris took a strong stance against Trump on the issue of the war in Ukraine and Russia.‍ She ‌criticized Trump, saying that NATO allies are grateful‌ he ⁢is no longer president, otherwise, Putin would​ be ⁢sitting in Kiev, the​ capital of Ukraine, ⁣and would have his eyes on‌ the rest⁤ of Europe. Harris called ⁣Putin ⁤a dictator who would “eat you ⁤for lunch.” Trump responded by calling Harris the “worst vice president” in history and claiming she failed to stop the war by negotiating ⁤between Ukraine and Russia before the attack [[2]].

Gaza and Israel War

Both candidates were asked how they would end the Israeli attacks in Gaza and the deadlock in ⁣negotiations. Harris said that Israel has the ‍right to defend itself, but the war must end. She also discussed the two-state solution and the reconstruction of ⁣Gaza, along with the demand for a ceasefire. Trump accused Harris of ⁣hating Israel and claimed that if he were president, the situation would not have arisen [[3]].

Personal Attacks

Throughout the debate, personal attacks were a recurring theme. Trump repeatedly criticized Joe Biden, to which Harris ​responded by reminding him that she is his opponent, not Biden. Trump‍ also called Harris the “worst vice president”​ in history, while Harris goaded Trump into a flustered performance, causing him to⁢ take‍ a defensive stance [[1]].

Post-Debate Analysis

According to a ⁤CNN flash poll, registered voters who watched the debate broadly agreed that Harris outperformed‍ Trump⁢ [[2]]. Despite her strong debate performance, Harris still⁣ faces a tight race, with Trump remaining a⁢ formidable opponent.

the first presidential debate between Trump and​ Harris was a closely watched and highly anticipated event. While both candidates presented their views on ‍various issues, personal attacks dominated the‌ debate. Harris’s strong performance has given her ⁢a ‌boost, but⁣ the race remains tight, and the next debates will be crucial ‍in determining the outcome of the election.

What were the main topics discussed during the first presidential debate between Trump and Harris?

The First Presidential Debate: Trump and Harris Clash on Economy, Abortion, and Foreign Policy

The highly anticipated first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris has come to a close, with both candidates trading barbs and presenting their views on a range of critical issues. The 90-minute debate was marked by personal attacks, with both candidates forcing each other to take a defensive stance [[1]].

From the economy to abortion, and from the Russia-Ukraine war to the Gaza conflict, the debate covered a wide range of topics. The debate opened with a discussion on the economy, with Harris criticizing Trump’s plan to impose sweeping tariffs and his trade deficit record as president [[2]]. Trump hit back, claiming that his administration had taken “billions” from China in tariffs, which remained in place since Harris left office.

The debate then turned to abortion, with Harris delivering an emotional response to Trump’s claim that her party wants to allow abortion in the ninth month of pregnancy [[3]]. Harris reminded Trump that he had appointed three Supreme Court justices who had struck down abortion rights two years ago, and that women are bleeding in cars parked in parking lots because they cannot get an abortion.

The candidates also clashed on foreign policy issues, including the Russia-Ukraine war and the Gaza conflict. Harris criticized Trump’s handling of the Ukraine-Russia conflict, saying that NATO allies are grateful that Trump is no longer president, otherwise Putin would be sitting in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, and his eyes would be on the rest of Europe [[3]]. Trump responded by calling Harris the “worst vice president” in history and claiming she failed to stop the war by negotiating between Ukraine and Russia before the attack.

On the Gaza conflict, Harris stated that Israel has the right to defend itself, but the war must end, and proposed a two-state solution and the reconstruction of Gaza along with a demand for a ceasefire. Trump, on the other hand, accused Harris of hating Israel and claimed that if she becomes president, Israel will not exist in two years.

Throughout the debate, Trump and Harris repeatedly interrupted each other, with Trump saying he was “less inclined” to participate in another debate due to Harris’s constant interruptions [[1]]. The debate was marked by personal attacks, with both candidates making comments after their microphones were muted [[1]].

the first presidential debate between Trump and Harris was a fiery affair, with both candidates presenting their views on critical issues and trading personal attacks. As the campaign season heats up, it remains to be seen how these debates will shape the outcome of the election.







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