Kamala Harris Takes Early Lead in Initial Polling

Kamala Harris Takes Early Lead in Initial Polling

In a viewer survey after the TV debate, the Democratic US presidential candidate Kamala Harris was perceived more positively than her Republican opponent Donald Trump. 45 percent of respondents expressed a favorable opinion of Harris, while Donald Trump received 39 percent. This is the result of a survey for several US media outlets, such as the television channel CNN, among registered voters who watched the TV debate.

44 percent of viewers surveyed were not favorable towards Harris after the TV debate, while 51 percent of those surveyed gave Trump an unfavorable rating. However, Trump was clearly ahead in one individual aspect: 55 percent of those surveyed think that Trump has more economic expertise than Harris, who came in at 35 percent.

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Kamala Harris Takes Early Lead in Initial Polling

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PHILADELPHIA. Democratic US presidential candidate Kamala Harris has faced a heated TV debate with her opponent Donald Trump…

Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump: How the TV duel went

82 percent of respondents said that the TV debate would have no influence on their vote in November.

TV Analysis by my US Correspondent Thomas Spang:

The international press also sees Harris at an advantage. “Throughout the evening, Harris managed to do something Biden had failed to do when he was running for re-election: provoke Trump in a way that exposed him as a spouting of lies and wild fantasies,” the New York Times said.

“While Harris presented clear and concrete policies on issues such as the economy, immigration and abortion, the former president was lured by her and indulged in his trademark ramblings. He talked about ‘migrant criminality’ and made false claims about late-term abortions allegedly planned by the Democrats, inflation, his criminal cases and the 2020 election – all topics he constantly addresses at press conferences and rallies,” writes the Independent, London.

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Taylor Swift will vote for Kamala Harris.

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Will Taylor Swift decide the US election campaign?

WASHINGTON. Pop star Taylor Swift wants to vote for Democrat Kamala Harris in the US presidential election.

Will Taylor Swift decide the US election campaign?

The “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” also sees Kamala Harris at an advantage: “From the very first moment, Kamala Harris made it clear that she was going on the offensive. She entered the stage, walked over to Donald Trump, held out her hand and introduced herself: Kamala Harris. Trump could not help but shake her hand, wordlessly and surprised. That was the start of a spectacle that was probably difficult for Trump supporters to endure. Kamala Harris clearly had the goal of unbalancing Donald Trump, and after 26 minutes she succeeded. (…)

An American television debate is not a political seminar, but a rough martial art. The winner is the one who puts the opponent on the defensive, whether with arguments, physical demonstrations of power or quick wit. In this round – even Republican commentators admit this – Kamala Harris won clearly on points. It was an important moment for the politician, who is unknown in many parts of the country. She was able to prove that she is capable of standing up to a clever opponent like Trump. Now she is entering the hot phase of the election campaign, which is being fought in all corners of the country, with renewed strength.”

OÖNplus Foreign policy

Disaster: No good night for Donald Trump

Thomas Spang

WASHINGTON. The contrast between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in the first and probably only presidential election could not be clearer.

by Thomas Spang

Disaster: No good night for Donald Trump

Trump did not fare well in the Roman daily Corriere della Sera either: “The signs of a lost debate, or at least one that went very differently than the former president expected, are everywhere: Donald Trump rushing to the spin room after the confrontation with Kamala Harris to correct the perception of his defeat. Regardless of whether it was a clear or a narrow victory for Kamala Harris, the Democrat passed the test by going on the attack for the entire 90 minutes of the televised debate.

She started out a little wooden and almost gave the impression that she had learned her answers by heart, but then Harris picked up the pace and put the Republican Trump in a tight spot not only on the issue of abortion: She also countered on the issues of China, withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine.

It was a positive evening for Harris – with the icing on the cake of support from Taylor Swift via Instagram. (…) Harris has shown that she can hold her own not only in front of a convention audience, but also in a controversial duel. But that is not the reason why she has become a matador: she has not let Trump take over. Nevertheless, she has not yet passed the test of the toughest questions in office.”


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