“Kamala Harris has written a new chapter.” What is the Democratic candidate’s strategy?

Taking care of the interests of all Americans, protecting the border, defending allies and Ukraine are the main promises of Vice President Kamala Harris in her speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

– Kamala Harris has written a new chapter of American history – commented Magdalena Górnicka-Partyka on TOK FM. The author of the podcast about the elections in the United States quoted a fragment of the speech of the Democratic candidate, who recalled her mother – an immigrant from India, who USA she came in search of education. – She made it so that her two daughters had a chance to fulfill their American dream. She talked about her history as a prosecutor. She said that throughout her professional career, her only clients were Americans, she worked for them throughout her professional career – she listed.

Of course, Harris also presented her vision of the future of the United States. She emphasized the role of the middle class. – Unlike Donald Trump, who announces tax breaks that – according to Harris – are to benefit only his millionaire colleagues – emphasized the guest of “Pierwsze Program”.

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This is not the only difference between Harris and Trump. The Democratic candidate called for unity. – Donald Trump divided quite a lot during his speech at the Republican convention, while Harris unites. She even announced, addressing the Republicans, that she will also be their president and that the good of the country will be higher than her personal ambitions or party affiliation – added Wojciech Muzal’s interlocutor.

“Harris’s strategy is to belittle Trump”

Harris presented Donald Trump as a threat to democracy and announced that the consequences of his re-election to the White House would be serious. – Kamala Harris’ strategy is to belittle Donald Trump, to show that she is not afraid of him. But at the same time to offer an alternative, because the campaign conducted under Joe Biden was playing on the terms presented by Donald Trump – stated Magdalena Górnicka-Partyka.

US Vice President Kamala Harris also promised on Thursday that as president she would stand firmly with Ukraine and its allies, accusing her rival of encouraging Russia to attack its allies.

According to the guest of the “Pierwsze program” on TOK FM, the Democratic candidate for president of the USA is trying to show the continuation of Joe Biden’s policy in this way. – For her, a strong position of America means a strong alliance within NATO, which is related to support for Ukraine. She generally sees America as a force for good in the world, which in international relations is called liberal internationalism – she explained. Pointing out that it is always about America remaining a strong player.

– For Donald Trump, however, (foreign policy) is a purely transactional relationship. He will only do what is profitable for him, what is in his calculations to the advantage – summed up the author of the podcast about the elections in the United States.



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