Kamala Harris Emerges as the Clear Winner in the Debate, According to CNN

A quick survey conducted by CNN among registered voters who watched Tuesday’s presidential debate found that Vice President and Democratic White House candidate Kamala Harris far outpaced former President and Republican candidate Donald Trump.

Of the 605 respondents nationwide who were polled by text message, 63 percent thought Harris performed better in the Philadelphia debate, compared with 37 percent who thought Trump was the better of the two.

Before the debate, voters were evenly split on which candidate would perform better, CNN noted in its presentation of the poll results.

Kamala Harris took advantage of the debate against Trump

Ninety-six percent of Harris supporters who watched the debate said the vice president did a better job than the former president, while 69 percent of Trump supporters said he won.

The results of the snap poll mark a shift from the reaction to the June presidential debate, when registered voters who watched the verbal sparring between Trump and President Joe Biden, then the Democratic nominee for the Nov. 5 election, thought the former president outperformed his rival (67% to 33%).

CNN noted that the poll results reflect the views of the debate only among those who tuned in and are not representative of the views of the voting public at large.

Debate watchers in the poll were 6 points more likely to be aligned with Republicans than Democrats, resulting in an audience that was about 4 percentage points more Republican-leaning than all registered voters nationwide.

Forty-five percent of respondents said they view Harris favorably and 44 percent unfavorably, an improvement from before the debate, when she was viewed positively by just 39 percent.

Meanwhile, debate watchers’ views of Trump changed little: 39% rated him favorably and 51% unfavorably after the debate, similar percentages to the same voters before he took the stage.

Kamala Harris during the presidential debate.
cnn gives kamala harris as the winner of the debate laverdaddemonagas.com trump1
Donald Trump attacked immigration during the debate against Kamala Harris.

It’s been 23 years since the largest terrorist attack in the United States on 9/11

#CNN #names #Kamala #Harris #winner #debate
2024-09-13 02:45:11

⁢ What ‌were⁣ the‍ key takeaways from the CNN poll regarding ⁢Kamala Harris’s performance in the ⁤presidential debate⁣ against Donald Trump?

CNN Poll: Kamala Harris ‌Outshines Donald Trump in Presidential Debate

A​ recent survey conducted by ‌CNN ​among registered voters who watched the ‍presidential debate on‍ Tuesday found‌ that Vice President and Democratic White House candidate Kamala Harris ⁢far⁢ outpaced former President and ​Republican candidate Donald Trump. According to the poll, 63% of respondents thought Harris performed better⁣ in​ the ‌Philadelphia debate, compared to 37% who thought Trump was⁤ the better of the two.

Before the debate,⁢ voters were evenly split on which ⁣candidate would perform ​better, CNN noted in its presentation of the poll results. However, Harris’s strong performance during the debate appears to have swayed opinion in her favor.‍ Ninety-six percent of Harris‍ supporters who watched the ​debate said the vice president did a better ⁣job than the former president, while 69% of Trump supporters said he won.

The results ‌of the snap poll mark a significant ⁣shift from the reaction to⁣ the ⁤June presidential debate, when registered voters​ who watched the verbal sparring between Trump ‍and President Joe Biden, then‍ the⁤ Democratic nominee for the Nov. 5 election, thought the former president outperformed his ‍rival (67% to 33%).

CNN noted that the poll results reflect the views⁤ of the debate only among those who tuned ⁣in and are not representative of the views ​of the voting public at large

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Kamala Harris Takes the Lead in Presidential Debate Against Donald Trump

A recent survey conducted by CNN among registered voters who watched the presidential debate has revealed that Vice President Kamala Harris outperformed former President Donald Trump by a significant margin. The poll, which surveyed 605 respondents nationwide, found that 63% of voters thought Harris performed better in the Philadelphia debate, compared to 37% who thought Trump was the better performer.

Before the debate, voters were evenly split on which candidate would perform better, but the results show a clear shift in favor of Harris. According to the poll, 96% of Harris supporters who watched the debate said the vice president did a better job than Trump, while 69% of Trump supporters said he won.

The results of the snap poll mark a significant shift from the reaction to the June presidential debate, when registered voters who watched the verbal sparring between Trump and President Joe Biden thought Trump outperformed his rival (67% to 33%). This time, however, it seems that Harris’s strong performance has won over many voters.

So, what were the key takeaways from the CNN poll regarding Kamala Harris’s performance in the presidential debate against Donald Trump?

Key Takeaways from the CNN Poll

Harris’s performance was seen as strong by a majority of voters, with 63% saying she outperformed Trump.

The poll results reflect a shift from the June presidential debate, when Trump was seen as the winner by a significant margin.

Debate watchers were 6 points more likely to be aligned with Republicans than Democrats, resulting in an audience that was about 4 percentage points more Republican-leaning than all registered voters nationwide.

Harris’s favorability ratings improved significantly after the debate, with 45% of respondents saying they view her favorably and 44% unfavorably.

* Trump’s favorability ratings, on the other hand, remained largely unchanged, with 39% rating him favorably and 51% unfavorably.

What This Means for the Election

The results of this poll are significant, as they suggest that Harris’s strong performance in the debate has resonated with voters. While the poll results are not necessarily representative of the views of the voting public at large, they do indicate a shift in favor of Harris.

In the coming weeks and months, it will be interesting to see how these poll results translate into votes. Will Harris’s strong performance in the debate be enough to secure her a spot in the White House, or will Trump’s loyal base of supporters be enough to carry him to victory? Only time will tell.

Watch the Debate for Yourself

If you missed the debate, you can still watch it online. The debate, which was hosted in Philadelphia, featured a dynamic discussion between Harris and Trump on a range of topics, from the economy to foreign policy.

Read the full transcript of the debate [[1]]

Alternatively, you can watch a video summary of the debate on YouTube. Watch the video [[2]]

International Reaction

The debate has also generated significant attention internationally, with many news outlets around the world covering the event. In France, for example, Le Monde reported on Harris’s strong performance, noting that she “took advantage of the debate” against Trump. <a href="https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2024/09/11/offensive-kamala-harris-s-impose-lors-du-debat-face-a-donald-trump63125953210.html”>Read the article [[3]]

the results of this poll suggest that Harris’s strong performance in the debate has resonated with voters, and may be a significant factor in the outcome of the election.



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