Kamala Harris: Americans are too old for a “skirt” in the White House

In her person, the Democrats would gain the upper hand both among women and among all those who are not among the white men longing for the return of the “good old days” (and what is best, regardless of whether they belong to the Republican or Democratic voters).

For now, it remains unknown who could accompany her on her way to the White House. But the fifty-nine-year-old politician will probably not make such a bad choice as Donald Trump with his co-candidate JD Vance.

Kamala symbolizes everything that was missing from Hilary Clinton 8 years ago when she lost the battle to Trump for the Oval Office with the “most powerful chair” in the world.

From the beginning of working alongside her husband, former US President Bill Clinton, Hilary made it quite clear that the idea of ​​moving from the governor’s mansion in Arkansas to the best address in Washington was born in her head rather than his.

The ambitious girl, who had already chosen a handsome classmate with a weakness for women in college, was unlucky that he was not born 20 years later. She would no longer have to realize this only as a politician’s wife, but for herself.

While Hilary ended up in the ring with Trump imaginary on her shoulders, now the roles could be reversed.

In addition to a top-notch legal education (Donald is more like an eternal student of life), Kamale also boasts a remarkably American background in the modern sense of the word. He is not a descendant of the Founding Fathers from Myflower. Her father, an economics professor, came to the country from Jamaica, and her mother, a top breast cancer specialist, left for the opportunity to study in her native India. From her, Kamala gets her middle name Devi, her younger sister Maya, for a change, goes by the middle name Lakshmi.

Kamala grew up in a world where success was not measured by the number of dollars earned, and not always by crystal clear business, but by a degree of perspective, empathy and a belief in the equal right to education for all, regardless of gender, color or creed.

One of its themes is that not only men, but especially women have the right to make decisions about their lives, including the choice of when and under what circumstances they should bring their children into the world. And they are like night and day with Trump.

The misogynistic Trump intentionally filled the Supreme Court during his presidency to allow the controversial overturning of Roe v. Wade.

For nearly 50 years, he guaranteed all American women the right to an abortion. Now they have to think about what state of the USA they are in and what local laws protect them or, on the contrary, do not protect them if they become victims of violence. In 2022, the case of a raped 10-year-old girl, who was operated on by a doctor despite Ohio state legislation prohibiting it, was particularly appalling.

Not only that, but also other moments (attack on the Capitol on 6/1/2021, theft of confidential materials from the White House, lies about the value of property, treating women like prey, uncertainty about the willingness to follow the law after possible election) may be what finally convinces the silent majority to give a chance to the very first woman in American history to swear the Stars and Stripes next January.

Although, according to YouTube and Truth shouters, it now looks like a clear victory for a millionaire with a (to put it politely) badly cut mouth…







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