Kamala Harris: A Dazzling Evening to Cherish

Kamala Harris: A Dazzling Evening to Cherish

Løkke is associated with the <a href="https://www.archyde.com/kamala-harris-shines-bright-a-memorable-evening-for-the-vice-president/" title="Kamala Harris Shines Bright: A Memorable Evening for the Vice President”>Civita think tank and followed last night’s TV debate between the two presidential candidates in the USA. He has no doubts about which of them came out the best.

– Harris used this opportunity to reach the voters in the middle and present who she is, and then she managed to create a good contrast to Donald Trump, to shake him so that he became irritated and visibly angry, he tells NTB.

– It was not surprising that Trump struggled to be disciplined, but this was a clear strategy for Harris, he says.

Ducked away

However, Harris did not answer all the questions she was asked, he notes.

– On some questions she ducked away, for example when she was asked if people are better off now than four years ago. She didn’t answer that, which she got away with.

– She also did not answer very well the question about the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the worst foreign policy event for the Biden administration, says Løkke.

Limited degree

Although Harris made a good impression during the TV debate, such debates move the voters to a small extent, Løkke believes.

– But there was a certain proportion of voters in advance who felt that they did not know Kamala Harris well enough, and for them this was a good opportunity to introduce themselves and what she stands for.

– It is now so incredibly smooth that even small movements can potentially have an important effect, he says.

What will move the voters the most, the TV debate or pop star Taylor Swift’s support for Harris after the debate, Løkke is unsure.

– It remains to be seen what will have the most effect on the opinion polls, he says.

Don’t lose voters

Although Donald Trump came off badly during the debate, Løkke does not think he lost voters.

– No, I don’t think so. But that is not the important question either. The question is whether Harris wins doubters, and I think she made a good effort there, he says.

#Løkke #good #night #Kamala #Harris
2024-09-12 15:21:29

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the‍ title: **Løkke’s Verdict: Kamala ​Harris ‌Takes the Lead in Presidential⁢ Debate**:

Løkke’s⁤ Verdict: Kamala⁣ Harris Takes ⁣the⁣ Lead in Presidential Debate

In‌ the recent presidential ‌debate between ​Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, Eirik Løkke, ‍a renowned expert associated with the⁢ Civita think tank, has no doubts ‍about which ‌candidate came ⁣out on top. According to Løkke, Harris successfully used ⁣the opportunity to‍ reach out to voters ‍in the middle ​and present herself as a strong contrast to Trump,⁤ leaving him ‌visibly irritated and angry [[1]].

Løkke, who has previously interacted with Trump, having advised⁤ Danish Prime Minister ⁤Lars Lokke Rasmussen ‍during his⁣ meeting with Trump at the White House in 2017 [[2]], believes that Harris’s‌ strategy was to create‍ a ​clear distinction ‍between herself and Trump. He notes that Trump’s struggles ‌to remain ⁤disciplined were not surprising, but Harris’s⁢ approach was a deliberate ‌attempt ‌to ⁤shake him.

However, Løkke‌ also ‌points out that‍ Harris did not answer all the questions⁤ she was asked, dodging certain queries such as whether people are better off ‍now than four ⁣years⁤ ago. Moreover, she did not provide⁢ a satisfactory answer to the ​question about the withdrawal from Afghanistan, which ‌has been ⁢a major foreign policy blunder for the Biden‍ administration [[1]].

Despite Harris’s strong performance, Løkke ⁣believes that​ such debates have a limited impact⁤ on voters. He suggests​ that ⁣a small⁤ proportion of⁢ voters who were previously unaware of Harris’s policies and stance were introduced to her, but the debate itself is unlikely to drastically sway public opinion [[1]].

Løkke’s analysis is not the first time he ⁢has weighed in on Trump’s policies. In 2018, ​he responded to ​a White⁤ House ⁤report criticizing living standards⁣ in⁢ Nordic countries, defending Denmark’s ‍progressive policies [[3]].

Løkke’s verdict on the ‌presidential debate suggests that Kamala Harris came out‌ on top,‍ effectively‌ presenting herself⁢ as a strong⁢ alternative⁤ to⁢ Donald Trump. While Harris dodged certain questions,‌ her overall⁢ performance was‍ impressive, and she successfully created a clear distinction between ‍herself and her opponent.

Keywords: Eirik Løkke, Civita think tank, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, presidential debate, USA, Denmark, Lars⁢ Lokke Rasmussen, ‌White House.

What were the key strategies Kamala Harris used in the debate to distinguish herself from Donald Trump?

Løkke’s Verdict: Kamala Harris Takes the Lead in Presidential Debate

In the recent presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, Eirik Løkke, a renowned expert associated with the Civita think tank, has no doubts about which candidate came out on top. According to Løkke, Harris successfully used the opportunity to reach out to voters in the middle and present herself as a strong contrast to Trump, leaving him visibly irritated and angry [[1]].

A Clear Strategy

Løkke, who has previously interacted with Trump, believes that Harris’s strategy was to create a clear distinction between herself and Trump. He notes that Trump’s struggles to remain disciplined were not surprising, but Harris’s approach was a deliberate attempt to shake him.

Ducked Away

However, Løkke also points out that Harris did not answer all the questions she was asked, dodging certain queries such as whether people are better off now than four years ago. Moreover, she did not provide a satisfactory answer to the question about the withdrawal from Afghanistan, which has been a major foreign policy blunder for the Biden administration [[1]].

Limited Impact

Despite Harris’s strong performance, Løkke believes that such debates have a limited impact on voters. He suggests that a small proportion of voters who were previously unaware of Harris’s policies and stance were introduced to her, but the debate itself is unlikely to drastically sway public opinion [[1]].

Not Losing Voters

Løkke does not think that Trump lost voters during the debate, but the question is whether Harris wins doubters, and he believes she made a good effort there [[3]].

Expert Analysis

Løkke’s analysis is not the first time he has weighed



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