Kaïs Saïed’s Rhetoric: Diminishing the Importance of Separation of Powers

2024-09-14 19:34:15

Today's guest


Today’s guest © France 24

The campaign for the presidential election in Tunisia has kicked off. In addition to the invalidation of many candidacies, the pre-campaign period was marked by a significant number of arrests of opponents and critical voices. Despite this tense climate, several thousand people gathered in Tunis to denounce the “authoritarian drift” of President Kaïs Saïed. Sophie Bessis, a French-Tunisian historian and human rights activist, was the guest of “Au Cœur de l’Info”.

#Sophie #Bessis #Kaïs #Saïeds #rhetoric #separation #powers #meaning

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Emissions have become a crucial topic of discussion ‌in today’s world. With the growing concern about climate ⁣change and its



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