JXC comfortably won the PASO in Santa Fe and Pullaro prevailed internally against Losada

2023-07-17 00:15:00

07/17/2023 – 00:15 Country

Juntos por el Cambio won comfortably in the Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory elections (PASO) of Santa Fe and its internship was left in the hands of the pre-candidate for governor Maximiliano Pullaro, who beat Carolina Losada.

With 33.35% of the tables counted, the opposition alliance, which competed locally under the name United to Change Santa Fe, obtained 343,195 votes in the sum of its three pre-candidates for governor, while the ruling party of Juntos Avancemos with its four applicants harvested 119,460.

In this way, Juntos por el Cambio was very well positioned to displace Peronism from the Governor’s Office, since it garnered almost 68% of the votes in total, compared to 23.5 for Peronism, which will have a difficult time staying in the Gray House (seat of the Santa Fe government).

In the Juntos por el Cambio internship, Pullaro achieved 58.68%, while Losada was left with 32.51% and the socialist Mónica Fein barely reaped 8.81%.

As expected, Marcelo Lewandowski won comfortably in Juntos Avancemos, with 65% of the votes.

In this way, the candidates who will participate in the general elections of Santa Fe on September 10 were defined, where Pullaro will fight -with a clear advantage following what happened this Sunday- with Lewandowski for the Governor’s office, and in which senators and provincial deputies, as well as mayors and councilors from various municipalities.

Participation was low, since 64 percent of the register authorized to do so voted, a figure similar to the PASO of 2019.

Read in a national key, these elections meant a victory for Horacio Rodríguez Larreta in the internal of the presidential candidates of Together for Change that he will settle with Patricia Bullrich, who supported Losada, in the PASO of August 13.

“This election is very important to us,” said Pullaro in his campaign bunker located in the Ariston hotel in the center of the city of Rosario, who celebrated there with Rodríguez Larreta; with his direct political boss, the national senator Martín Lousteau; Vice President candidate Gerardo Morales and other space leaders.

Pullaro assured that he feels that “change is coming” to the province, following prevailing in the PASO, and added: “It does not seem to stop at any point in our country and clearly it was also seen in Santa Fe with a clear tendency to triumph for Unidos to Change Santa Fe and Together for Change”.

“They called us from the different bunkers of Unidos para Cambiar Santa Fe and Juntos por el Cambio to congratulate us on the victory, which is a fact,” were the first words of the former provincial Security Minister. Below the stage, leaders and militants shouted “Boronbombóm, Maxi Pullaro governor.”

The former provincial security minister, who relied on the radical apparatus to win, referred to the tense campaign with cross-aggressions with Losada and sought to leave this situation in the past.

“I highlight Carolina Losada’s gesture of greatness, that she called me, she did not have my phone number… she was a tough inmate for everyone,” said Pullaro, who guaranteed that she will work together with her internal competitor in the face of the generals. of September.

Minutes before 9:00 p.m. and 15 blocks from there, when the provisional vote count reached barely 12% of the polling stations in the entire province, Carolina Losada publicly admitted her defeat in the internal opposition space once morest Pullaro and maintained that “the important thing” is that this force “beat Peronism” in the sum of the votes.

Losada was accompanied in her campaign command – set up in the Rosario Metropolitan Convention Center – by her running mate, the PRO national deputy Federico Angelini, while Bullrich, who had traveled to Rosario, did not show up at the bunker.

“I accept the good and the bad, the important thing is that Juntos por el Cambio won. It is important that Peronism did badly. I already spoke with Maximilano Pullaro, I recognized his victory and congratulated him,” said the former journalist.

#JXC #comfortably #won #PASO #Santa #Pullaro #prevailed #internally #Losada



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