JVP Plakolm: Never Forget! | ÖVP federal party leadership, 04.05.2023

2023-05-04 18:45:10

Young People’s Party welcomes funds for school visits to concentration camp memorials

Vienna (OTS) On the Day of Remembrance once morest Violence and Racism in memory of the victims of National Socialism on May 4th, Minister of Education Martin Polaschek and Minister of the Interior Gerhard Karner are presenting a new fund to support school attendance at the Mauthausen and Gusen concentration camp memorial sites and those at the former Ebensee and Melk satellite camps.

“The latest anti-Semitism report shows us that we still have a lot of work to do. The initiative by Minister of the Interior Karner and Minister of Education Polaschek is a valuable contribution to ensuring that ‘never forget’ remains ‘never once more’,” said State Secretary for Youth and JVP Federal Chairwoman Claudia Plakolm.

“Austria has a historic responsibility to fight anti-Semitism. Young men with different cultural backgrounds in particular show dangerous tendencies. Visiting memorial sites at school helps raise awareness at a young age,” says Plakolm.

With the new fund, the federal government is further strengthening commemoration work in the youth sector and its plan to enable all schoolchildren to visit the Mauthausen concentration camp memorial site at least once during class. Around 1.5 million euros per year are earmarked for this.

The Young People’s Party is committed to a wide variety of initiatives and measures for an active culture of remembrance. Among other things, she was awarded the Austrian Youth Prize 2020 in the category national youth work for her project “Never Forget”.

Questions & contact:

Young ÖVP
Lichtenfelsgasse 7, 1010 Vienna
Phone: 01 401 260 441
Mail: dominik.berger@junge.oevp.at

#JVP #Plakolm #Forget #ÖVP #federal #party #leadership #04.05.2023



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