The SS Juve Stabia 1907 communicates that yesterday, Wednesday 2 October at 2.30 pm, Mister Pagliuca’s pre-match press conference took place in the press room of the “Romeo Menti” stadium.
Below are the statements:
Mister Pagliuca:”Playing without an audience will penalize both Sampdoria and us, the audience is the essence of sport. It’s a match against a strong team, a historic club, you can say it will be David against Goliath. In Sunday’s victory, what distinguished our team was humility and strength, qualities that we must never lack. On Friday you will need the desire to compete and the sacrifice in sliding, in the duel and in helping your teammate. For the starting line-up, the choice will fall on whoever proves they are ready between today and tomorrow. We will try to recover Bellich and Andreoni to have them available in the squad”
source: SS Juve Stabia
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Matteo Merolla born in Naples. Graduated in Economics, passionate about football and journalism, spontaneous collaborator of MundoNapolisport24.