Justin Trudeau’s Plan to Dilute the Francophone Presence and Open Canada’s Floodgates of Immigration: The Dangerous Truth

2023-05-06 04:00:00

Justin Trudeau is like the woke movement: it would be wrong to consider him a harmless being, an amateur, a clown.

He’s a lot more dangerous – and a lot smarter – than you think…

The proof ? As we learn from the file of the Journal published today, Justin is preparing to use great means to complete the project that his father set in motion in the early 1980s.

A project intended to dilute the Francophone presence in Canada as much as possible. And to transform the people of Quebec into an ethnic minority no larger than the minorities of Chinese, Indian or Turkish origin who form the “first post-national state in the world”…


With the Charter of Rights, which affirmed that individual rights had priority over collective rights, Pierre Elliott Trudeau dealt a heavy blow to Quebec sovereigntists.

Because what did this piece of paper say?

That Canada was no longer a nation, strictly speaking, but a gathering of individuals loosely bound together by a social contract…

Like the owners of a condo complex, who agree to take out the garbage on Thursdays and vacuum the hallways every two weeks.

Ditto for Quebec: we might no longer speak of a “small Quebec nation” living within the “great Canadian nation”, but of Canadian citizens living in the province of Quebec.

Quebecers tended to group together like balls of different colors in the center of a pool table at the start of a game?

The Charter of Trudeau-father was the white ball which broke this beautiful triangle and sent all the balls wandering to the four corners of the table!

Finished, the Quebec “nation” which considered itself as a “coherent whole”!

You are nothing more than a group of individuals, citizens and tax payers!

That was what we might call stage 1 of the Trudeau plan.


Stage 2 is what his son, Justin, is regarding to do.

Open the floodgates of immigration to the max to drown the French-speaking presence in the country and complete the work of his father.

After the Charter, massive immigration.

After the piece of paper, the flood.

Just like his father, who said to himself: “Who will dare to fight my Charter? It defends rights and freedoms! She is on the side of good! Justin thinks to himself, “Who in this diversity-obsessed age is going to dare to criticize my immigration program?” Person ! »

The goal: 100 million Canadians by 2100.

With 500,000 new arrivals per year.

Never seen.

It is no longer even “opening the floodgates”. It’s blowing the floodgates!

For Justin, Canada is not a country.

It’s a hotel, an Airbnb.

And Quebec is just one of the many rooms in this vast real estate complex.

Room 237, here. Like the one in the movie The Shining.

Come, drop your bags and get settled! All you are asked to do is pay your taxes.

The rest is up to you.

It’s like the infamous tweet Justin posted in January 2017 (“To those fleeing persecution, terror and war, know that Canada will welcome you…”), but to the power of 10.

Dad must be proud of son.

Why would the state fund religion?


Photo d’archives, Stevens LeBlanc

The Minister of Education Bernard Drainville announced that his government will continue to fund private religious schools.

It is one thing to allow such schools to exist. But why would the state fund schools that promote ideas that have no scientific basis?

Haven’t we been told, during the pandemic, that we have to “listen to science”? And doesn’t the state seek to combat misinformation (fake news) ?

“Yes, but these are not public schools, but private schools,” said the minister. So what ? What’s the difference ?

Why would the state fund religion?

Why does the state sell alcohol?

Thus, the CAQ will not privatize the SAQ… Another broken promise! (How far have we got?)

Question: what does the state do in retail? Why has the state taken over the sale of wine, but not the sale of beer?

“Yes, but the sale of wine and spirits allows the state to raise money to fund our social programs…” they say.

Why not “state” the sale of tobacco products, then? Or the sale of soft drinks?

Even without the SAQ, wine would continue to be taxed!

Kneel before China

The Trudeaus, as we know, have always had a soft spot for China.

That Pierre Elliott Trudeau (a great friend of Fidel Castro) praised Mao’s murderous regime in 1961 is one thing. At the time, most intellectuals were on their knees before China and the USSR.

But that his sons, Justin et Sasha (Alexandre)celebrate China’s economic might, when we know how mind-boggling and outrageous the Chinese regime’s human rights abuses are.

Could Justin have such good words for a far-right regime?

#Trudeaus #drowned #Quebec



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