Justin Bieber’s ‘Ramsay Hunt Syndrome’

Ramsay Hunt syndrome is a disease that causes facial nerve paralysis. Although it is an unfamiliar disease, it became widely known to the public as it was recently known that pop star Justin Bieber and former announcer Choi Hee were battling the disease. Facial paralysis occurs when the facial nerve that moves the facial muscles is damaged by the varicella zoster virus infection.

The varicella zoster virus, which causes Ramsay Hunt syndrome, remains dormant in the body for life. The varicella zoster virus does not go away and remains dormant around nerves following getting chickenpox or being exposed to it through vaccination. Normally, this is not a big deal because the immune system suppresses the activity of the virus. However, when the immune system is weakened, the virus begins to act, causing nerve damage along with skin rashes, blisters, and pain. Ramsay Hunt syndrome has a severe degree of paralysis, so the cure rate is low, and hearing loss and dizziness also appear. In general, the incidence rate increases with age, but recently, it is also common in younger age groups such as Justin Bieber and Choi Hee. Excessive stress, lack of sleep, or overwork are the main causes.

Peripheral facial nerve palsy caused by Ramsay Hunt syndrome often presents with pain around the ear before onset. When paralysis progresses in earnest, wrinkles do not form on the forehead, eyes do not close, and asymmetry occurs in the face when smiling. When you drink water or brush your teeth because your lips are weak, you may experience water leaks. If these symptoms occur, you should see a doctor right away.



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