Justice employees announce escalation during judicial holiday month


The National Union of the Justice Sector announced the escalation of its steps against the Minister of Justice, Abdellatif Wahbi, by going on strike for the first time in August, the month of the judicial holiday.

According to what was reported by the university, which is affiliated with the National Union of Labor in Morocco, in a statement, it was decided to go on a national strike for three days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, August 6, 7 and 8, in the various courts of the Kingdom, the centers of the resident judge, the sub-directorates and the regional preservation centers.

The university noted that this step comes due to what was described as “the government’s continued procrastination” in responding to the legitimate and just demands of the judicial administration employees.

The union warned of “the consequences of the government’s silence and selective dealing with the demands of ministerial and professional sectors, and the repercussions that this confused negotiating management style could produce, which will have consequences, most notably the approval of protest stations during the current month of August.”

The same source held the Prime Minister “responsible for the procedural and moral effects that this situation will have on all users and litigants, and in particular the administrative and judicial interests of Moroccans abroad.”

The National Office of the National Union of the Justice Sector renewed its call to the Prime Minister to “review his selective approach and work before it is too late to lift the veto against the approval of amendments to the basic law of the Registry Authority in accordance with the formula agreed upon with the Ministry of Justice.”

In addition, the university reiterated its commitment to “the content of the agreement signed with the Ministry of Justice and agreed upon since May 9, 2023, especially with regard to amending the basic statute of the Registry Authority and amending the Special Account Decree, in a manner that achieves incentives and protection, and also corrects the situation of engineers in the sector on the basis of Special Account Decree No. 500.10.2, taking into account the formula adopted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance for the benefit of its engineers and included in the correspondence addressed to the Ministry dated May 3, 2024.”

#Justice #employees #announce #escalation #judicial #holiday #month
2024-08-07 01:45:40



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