Just finished giving birth to “Husband’s Breakup Message” Ouyang Jing watched his son burst into tears: Mom is sorry for you | ETtoday Starlight Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud

Reporter Cai Yifang / Comprehensive Report

Entertainer Ouyang Jing and Japanese photographer husband RK registered their marriage in 2020, and they have a son “Xinjiang”. However, at the end of the same year, he admitted that he had been separated from each other for almost 2 years, and had been raising his son alone. On the 15th, she confessed in the community that she received a message from her husband regarding breaking up a few days following giving birth to share her experience on “how much does it cost to raise a child”. “.

▲Ouyang Jing has been taking turns with his mother to take care of the child following giving birth to his son. (Picture / Retrieved from Facebook / Ouyang Jing·Li Tokyo Survival)

Ouyang Jing posted on Facebook on the 15th, saying that the cost of raising children has always been a problem for fathers and mothers. She shared her own experience that she originally planned to take the child back to Japan following confinement in Taiwan, including her son. My kindergarten and elementary school have already inquired regarding it. I didn’t expect the outbreak of the epidemic, and practical problems would come one following another. I even admitted that a few days following giving birth, I received a message from my husband that they broke up. I lost most of my job opportunities, so I felt very sad, “I held my lower abdomen that was still in severe pain, stared at the new sauce in the crib, and cried and said to him: ‘Mom is sorry for you, I didn’t give you a complete Family.” XX, life can’t go according to the script at all!”

[廣告]Please read on…

▲▼ Just following giving birth to

▲Ouyang Jing admitted that he was broken up just following giving birth to a child. (Picture / Retrieved from Facebook / Ouyang Jing·Li Tokyo Survival)

Ouyang Jing said, “How much does it cost to raise a child” is not the most important issue, the most important thing is whether you can accept the rolling adjustment of your life script, “If your financial foundation does not have the thickness to take risks… or don’t Let’s have a child!” She also said that she will try her best to let her children understand the meaning of adversity and not feel relative deprivation due to peer comparison.

For Ouyang Jing’s sharing, many netizens were dumbfounded and said “very exaggerated”. They mightn’t understand RK’s behavior of breaking up with Ouyang Jing within a few days of production. At the same time, they also praised Ouyang Jing for being strong and positive. .

▲▼ Just following giving birth to

▲ Netizens cheer for Ouyang Jing. (Picture / Retrieved from Facebook / Ouyang Jing·Li Tokyo Survival)

Ouyang Jing’s Facebook full text:

#How much does it cost to raise a child is always a difficult question. You can give your child the best quality of life, or you can just ask for a living. Some people say that the focus is never the amount, but the parenting method you choose… But, can life really go according to the script?

We all know that children who are well-fed and well-fed are often “easier” to gain self-confidence in the process of growing up. Families with economic freedom and one spouse can serve as a full-time parent can also give children more companionship and care.

On the other hand, dual-income and single-parent families with meager incomes really cannot spend so much time with their children. Children may also feel #relative deprivation and lack of self-confidence due to peer comparisons in the process of growing up. Parents will have to pay more effort in the future. to this question.

In my own words, I played the wishful thinking cards during my pregnancy:
I went back to Taiwan from Tokyo to give birth, and then brought my baby to Japan following confinement. I have even investigated the kindergartens and elementary schools near Shibuya Chutai! I want to give my children a rich life, as well as the most companionship and love. …

Then, the epidemic broke out.

Then, we encountered all kinds of sudden practical problems, all business might not proceed according to the original plan, and the mind also panicked and imbalanced.
A few days following giving birth, I received a breakup message from my child’s father, and because of the epidemic, I also lost most of my job opportunities.

I held my lower abdomen, which was still in severe pain, and stared at the new sauce in the crib, crying and saying to him, “Mom is sorry for you, I didn’t give you a complete family.”

XX, life can’t go according to the script at all!

Honestly, since Shin-chan was born… I’ve been imagining that someday he can start earning money to support his family? Although it is still far from this dream, he did earn some diapers and toys for himself and helped his mother a lot! (laugh)

There are quite a few parents who have had similar stories to me in the past two years.

A friend who worked successfully in the tourism industry welcomed her baby happily, and her wife also took parental leave to give birth… Then the epidemic broke out and the border was blocked, and her income instantly went to zero.

There are also friends who married far away to Europe to raise their children. As a result, when the city was closed and the company opened by her husband went bankrupt, she endured two years of poor life when she might barely afford milk powder. Finally, she decided to bring the child back to Taiwan to live with her parents. Back to work hard.

A child born in this era must have his mission… Of course, some families are very lucky, and their source of income is not affected in any way; and let the child understand the meaning of adversity to grow up and not feel relative deprivation due to peer comparison is my next step. homework that must be faced.

Let me tell you my story: If your financial foundation is not deep enough to take risks…don’t have children! “How much does it cost to raise a child” is not a question at all, the question is whether the life script you choose has a way to accept rolling adjustments.

Next, I can only say to myself, come on, come on!

The new sauce strokes are good! Has the level of a graffiti master! Draw more works, my mother will help you send NFT to make money hey~ (wrong)

(I used outdoor chalk for him, which is non-toxic, dust-free and easy to wash.)

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