‘Jurin’ pushes to set up the world’s largest FTA-APEC with a population of 2.9 billion, targets to be achieved by 2040

‘Jurin’ prepares to chair the meeting APEC Trade Minister 2022 pushes to set up the world’s largest FTA-APEC with a population of 2.9 billion, targeting completion by 2040

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On 18 May 2022 Mr. Jurin Laksanawisit, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Revealed the preparation of the APEC Ministers Meeting 2022 (APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting 2022) during 19-22 May 2022, which Thailand is hosting the meeting. He will preside over the meeting with 21 economic zones attending the meeting. In order to drive APEC to develop into FTA in the future, it aims to achieve it by 2040. If successful, FTA-APEC will become the largest FTA in the world. and has the highest combined trade value in the world

This will be driven through the use of an economic model that is considered a national agenda in Thailand, namely the BCG Model (Bio-Circular-Green Economy), to drive SMEs, especially Micro SMEs, to become a key foundation for driving the economic development of Thailand and the group. Sustainable APEC country Because it is a model that will enable the manufacturing sector from the micro SMEs economy to move forward towards producing both products and services that are environmentally friendly. In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development

Mr. Jurin He added that in addition to that, he will have bilateral discussions with other countries as well, such as the United States, Russia, Canada. Japan and China Hong Kong as well. If FTA-APEC can be established, it will have a total population of 2.9 billion, accounting for 38% of the world’s population, a combined GDP of $ 52 trillion, or 1,768 trillion baht, 62% of the world’s GDP. The value of trade between APEC countries will increase by 200-400%.

According to the information from the Department of International Trade states that The APEC, or Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, consists of 21 member economies: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, China, China Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, China Taipei, Thailand, United States of America and Vietnam.



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