Jurassic Park star Sam Neill has advanced blood cancer

« Sick », « maybe dying “. These are the powerful words used by actor Sam Neill in his book “ Did I ever tell you this ? where he recounts his memoirs. At the microphone of Guardian (Source 1), while promoting his book, the actor known for his role as Alan Grant in the Jurassic Park saga revealed that he was undergoing chemotherapy while writing this book.

The 75-year-old actor was diagnosed with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (T LAI), a type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma qualified as aggressive by the Canadian Cancer Society. The actor was diagnosed following feeling swollen glands while attending a press conference for the film “Jurassic World, The World After ».

Saying “ happy to be alive “, Sam Neill indicated that he will probably have to undergo a protocol of chemotherapy every month, probably until the end of his life.

« I can’t pretend that last year didn’t have its dark moments “he confessed to the Guardian. « But those dark times bring out the light, you know, and made me grateful for every day and immensely grateful for all my friends. “, nuanced the actor.

Sam Neill said he tested a new chemotherapy drug, following the failure of the very first protocol. “ Have you noticed that I look a bit like a lab rat? “, he joked regarding it.

In remission for eight months

Following the article in the British daily, the press massively relayed the information, to the point of worrying many fans of the actor. On his Instagram account, he posted a video to reassure. “ Hello, I’m Sam Neill. A bit of an actor, winemaker and, apparently, author. There are articles regarding me all over the news these days, like ‘Cancer! Cancer ! Cancer !’ which is a bit tiring, because, as you can see, I am alive and well and have been in remission for eight months, which is really good “, he wanted to clarify. Saying “ vivant » et « asset “, the actor said to himself” very happy to be back to work ».



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