June arrived and the quota to buy is renewed, look who can do it

2023-06-01 11:47:00

The sixth month of the year has arrived and, for those who meet the necessary requirements, it is renewed again the possibility of acquire the monthly quota of U$S 200 at official price.

The list of requirements for those who want to access the “savings dollar” is very extensiveand it was expanding as a result of the aid measures offered by the government in the framework of the pandemic, and the structural shortage of foreign currency that the country has been going through for at least six years.

The main concept that governs the requirements to access the savings dollar is that those who have received or still receive some type of benefit or assistance from the State are excluded from the possibility of accessing the purchase of foreign currency. In other words, it is assumed that whoever needs the State to help them does not have the necessary surplus to immobilize funds by buying dollars.

It is assumed that whoever needs the State to help them does not have the necessary surplus to immobilize funds by buying dollars.

A first element to take into account is the novelty implemented at the beginning of 2023, which is added to the list and has to do with the saver’s income. The banking entities request that the person who wishes to acquire the US$ 200 receive a net salary equivalent to at least the sum of two times the minimum, vital and mobile salary. This vital and mobile minimum wage is $84,512, so as of June To access the savings dollar, you must earn at least $169,024 per month. Another novelty was that in March it was established that those who request access to the pension moratorium are also prevented from accessing the dollar at the official price.

It is evident that the objective of the access restrictions is to limit demand as much as possible of US currencies. In this way, if the saver manages to gather the necessary income, he must also observe compliance with an extensive list of conditions prior to accessing the official exchange market.

The objective of the access restrictions is to limit the demand for US currency as much as possible.

According to current regulations, the following people cannot access the savings dollar:

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Those who bought dollar MEP or Cash with Liquidation in the last 90 days.
Those who operated Cedears, negotiable obligations or cryptocurrencies in the previous 90 days.
Those who received wages through Production and Work Assistance (ATP) o REPRO.
The beneficiaries of social plansincluding the AUH.
Monotributistas taxpayers who have requested credits at a subsidized ratenor the owners of SMEs that have received loans with subsidized rates of 24%.
Bank account holders.
Those who spent the quota of US$200 with a card, both in purchases abroad and in services such as Netflix o Spotify in dollars.
who have refinanced any credit card balance to 12 months.
those who refinanced credits personal, pledge or mortgage with the banks.
The people who received the Reinforcement of Income.
Those who requested to keep the light, water and gas subsidy.
Those who do not have declared income.
The holders of UVA credits who agreed to the freezing of quotas during the pandemic.
Companies that liquidated soybean dollar.
Persons applying for admission to the pension moratorium.
It was the price, with taxes included, of the savings dollar at the close of May 31, 2023.

It is worth mentioning that the savings dollar price is obtained by taking the official price of the currency on the Banco Nación blackboard, and adding 30% COUNTRY Tax and 35% on account of Income Tax. The official dollar was sold on Wednesday -the last round before the long weekend- at $244, with which those who manage to overcome the requirements and wish to buy their US$200 must pay $438.15 for every US dollar. The difference with the blue dollar is close to $160 per dollar.

#June #arrived #quota #buy #renewed

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