June 26, 1848: Archduke Johann of Austria takes over the government in Vienna with the authorization of the Emperor

2023-06-25 22:23:23

Under Monday, June 26, the book of history records, among other things:

1848: Archduke Johann of Austria takes over the government in Vienna with the authorization of the Emperor.
1848: June Battle in Paris: The Minister of War Louis-Eugène Cavaignac, who was appointed military dictator by the National Assembly, leaves a battle on June 24th. brutally crush the workers’ uprising that had broken out.
1858: In the Peace of Tientsin between China and England, China has to open several ports to the Europeans and allow their embassies.
1948: The Berlin airlift “Operation Vittels” officially begins, the “raisin bombers” are provided by the air forces of the USA, Great Britain and France.
1963: US President John F. Kennedy ends a three-day visit to Germany in West Berlin and says: “I am a Berliner.”
1968: Censorship is abolished in Czechoslovakia.
1968: The US returns the Bonin Islands to Japan.
1978: Breton separatists carry out a bomb attack on the Palace of Versailles and cause millions in damage.
1983: The Gassergasse youth center is forcibly cleared. The Autonomous Culture and Communication Center GAsserGAsse (GAGA) is an idealistic, self-governing project for autonomous groups and was founded in 1981.
1988: A French Airbus with 136 occupants crashes during a low-flying demonstration near Mühlhausen in Alsace. Three people are killed and 89 are injured, some seriously.
2008: Bang effect in European politics: The SPÖ leadership with Alfred Gusenbauer and Werner Faymann announces in a letter to the editor of the “Kronen Zeitung” that in future they want to hold a referendum on significant EU treaty changes in Austria.

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birthdays: Willy Messerschmitt, German aircraft builder (1898-1978); Ernst Anton Plischke, Austria Architect (1903-1992); Claudio Abbado, Italian conductor (1933-2014); Mikhail Khodorkovsky, former Russian oil mogul (1963); Paolo Maldini, Italian ex-soccer player (1968); Ariana Grande, US pop singer (1993).
days of death: Peter Rosegger, Austria writer (1843-1918); Karl Landsteiner, Austro-US bacteriologist; Nobel Prize 1930 (1868-1943); James Weldon Johnson, US writer (1871-1938); Alfred Döblin, German writer (1878-1957); John Cranko, British choreographer (1927-1973); Bert Stern, US photographer (1929-2013).
name days: Johann, Paul, Anthelm, Vigilius, Rudolf, Jeremias, David, Emma, ​​Maxentius.

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