July 31, 1904: The Stubai Valley Railway from Innsbruck to Fulpmes begins operations

2024-07-30 22:03:13

On Wednesday, July 31, the history books recorded:

1789: The Austro-Russian forces defeated the Turks in Fokshani, Principality of Moldavia.
1904: The Stubai Valley Railway starts operation from Innsbruck to Fulpmes.
1914: Austria-Hungary announced general mobilization. The German Empire issued an ultimatum to Russia and France. In the afternoon, a special Berlin newspaper declared a “state of total war.”
1919: The German National Assembly adopts the Weimar Constitution.
1919: Yugoslav troops evacuate Klagenfurt.
1934: The leaders of the July 25 Nazi coup attempt in which Dollfuss was murdered were executed three hours after a military court hearing.
1934: As a final formal act, German President Paul von Hindenburg signed the appointment of the new German envoy to Vienna, former Chancellor Franz von Papen. The public was informed of the serious health condition of the Reich President.
1939: The former CSR army was disbanded and the wearing of Czech military uniforms was banned.
1944: The American troops who had broken through at Avranches the day before were advancing further south.
1954: Two Italians, Achille Compagnoni and Lino Lacedelli, were the first to conquer K-2 of the Karakoram Mountains, the second highest mountain range in the world at 8,611 meters above sea level.
1964: The American probe Ranger-7 sent the first close-ups of the lunar surface to Earth.
1969: Paul VI became the first pope in history to visit Uganda, Africa.
1984: On August 2, a French passenger plane was hijacked on a flight from Frankfurt to Paris, and 60 hostages were taken. Published in Tehran.
1994: The United Nations Security Council approved a U.S. request for military intervention in Haiti to restore democracy on the Caribbean island.
Year 1999: The American space probe “Lunar Prospector” carrying the ashes of astronomer Eugene Shoemaker crashed into the lunar surface.

Birthday: Carl Friedrich Gördeler, German lawyer, politician and resistance fighter (1884-1945); Isolde Algren, Eastern pianist and harpsichordist (1914- 1995); Louis de Fines, French comedian (1914-1983); Primo Levi, Italian writer (1919-1987); Manfred Schuch, Oriental. Journalist, historian, and author (1929-2016); Geraldine Chaplin, American actress (1944); Robert C. Merton, The American Economist (1944) .
Days to death: Denis Diderot, French writer and philosopher (1713-1784); Jean Jaurès, French politician (1859-1914); Oscar Vogt, German neurologist (1870-1959); Antoine · De Saint-Exupéry, French writer and aviator (1900-1944); Ilona Christen, a Swiss of German descent. Television and radio presenter (1951-2009).
Name day: Ignaz, Helen, Germanus, Ernesta, Ernestine, Herman, Joseph, Peter, Justinus, Erna.

#July #Stubai #Valley #Railway #Innsbruck #Fulpmes #begins #operations



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