Julio César Cárdenas is the most likely Comptroller General with the support of Gustavo Petro

Julio César Cárdenas Uribe is the most likely Comptroller General with the support of President-elect Gustavo Petro.

The change in the rules of the game for the election of comptroller general has its own name. There is an attempt by the incoming government to include a candidate they like on the list of eligible candidates.

In The Coronell Report:

The man for whom everything is happening is Julio Cesar Cardenas Uribe. He was deputy comptroller general and, at the time of the Mayor’s Office of Gustavo Petrosenior manager of Transportadora de Gas Internacional, a company of the Bogotá Energy Group.

In 2018, Petro announced on Twitter that he and his people would vote for Cárdenas for the position of comptroller. However, the chosen one was Charles Philip Cordoba.

The August 20, 2018, then Senator Petro announced: “We will vote for Julio César Cárdenas for Comptroller General. He got the second best score and he has no corruption facts to pin on him ”

Four years later, Dr. Cárdenas he did not do so well on the knowledge test. She scored only 75.7 out of 100 and fell short of scoring in the top ten. Instead, her experience, assessed on her resume, is one of the best. Even so, the weighting of the factors did not give him to enter.

However, its former promoter Gustavo Petro is no longer an opposition senator but the elected president of Colombia.

Petro had said during the campaign that what was desirable was guarantee the autonomy of control entities and that the executive did not try to co-opt them. However, now everything indicates that it is driving the admission to the list of eligible Julio César Cárdenas and that, once included, he will be elected by the new government caucus.

On the election of controller:

The method is not new. Four years ago, the newly elected and powerful Democratic Center government party succeeded in inspiring one of its own, the President of Fedegan, Joseph Felix Lafauriewith the Comptroller.

However, at the moment of truth they made Lafaurie a “rabbit” and, by agreement of the former presidents Alvaro Uribe y Cesar GaviriaCongress elected Felipe ‘Pipe’ Córdoba.

Eight years ago, Liberal leader César Gaviria had everything ready to elect Gilberto Rondón as comptroller, but at the oven door, the recently re-elected Juan Manuel Santos winked for Edgardo Mayawho was elected comptroller.

Twelve years ago, the hand of the Santos government made itself felt to choose Sandra Morelli over the one who seemed favorite Alberto Rojas Ríoswho later became a magistrate of the Constitutional Court.

There are several lessons to be learned from here:

  • The first is that the favorites to be elected comptrollers almost always end up losing in the final stretch.
  • The second is that presidents often use their powerful finger to point to the one who is elected.
  • The third is that it is totally contrary to transparency that the President of the Republic be the real elector of who will control his government.
  • And the last one, not to forget, is that some things the candidates say in the campaign and another is what they do when they are already elected as presidents.

In that sense, nothing has changed.

With these lessons learned, I ask you to remember this name: Julio César Cárdenas Uribe. Most likely, he will be the next Comptroller General of the Republic.

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