“Julio and I” combines Josian Paulus and Julio Iglesias

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The artist, Josiane Boulos, embodies her love for the artist Julio Iglesias, in her new play “Me and Julio” “La Fille qui aimait Julio”.

Josiane Boulos, producer, actress and writer, recounts her childhood and adolescence memories with the songs of the artist Julio Iglesias, and her first meeting with him through a party attended by her parents and then her meeting with him at one of his concerts in Lebanon. “So I embodied my autobiography to some extent in the play”, because it talks regarding Julio but also regarding many stories that went through in her life, including her daughter’s reunification, divorce and the war in Lebanon, in an attempt also to draw attention to “that the spirit of humor helps to continue your life.”

“Me and Julio”, a biography of the artist, Josiane Boles © MCD

Josiane Boulos is a fan of culture, cinema, reading and theater. The play is not the same every day, and in many cases the actor interacts with the audience, but the text remains the same. But the actor’s strength lies, Josiane says, in interacting with the audience and making some additions to the main text.

Josiane Boulos, Samira Ibrahim’s Alex Reed on “Hawa Al-Ayam” program.

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