2023-10-27 23:38:02
JJ. Photo I YouTube capture
Broadcaster Julien Kang (41)’s bride-to-be and popular exercise YouTube creator JJ (39) explained the pregnancy rumors.
On the 27th, JJ’s YouTube channel ‘TMI Ji-eun’ posted, “First couple magazine pictorial taken with all clothes on(?). But wedding magazines?! A video titled “11 hours of filming, is this a true story?” was uploaded.
In this video, JJ said, “I was contacted by a magazine and asked to shoot a wedding photo shoot. “They say they are running a marriage promotion program with the country,” he explained. “Thankfully, they said they invited us because they thought that if they interviewed and filmed our couple as a model example, they might be motivated and get married.”
Recently, the two attracted a lot of attention by releasing a wedding photoshoot that they prepared ‘self’, from costumes to photography. After the video, rumors of JJ’s pregnancy were raised.
JJ said, “After watching the self-wedding photoshoot video, I thought, ‘JJ looks like he has a big belly. He said, ‘I wonder if she’s pregnant.’ “I’m human too, so I can gain weight,” he said, laughing, adding, “When I gained weight, my stomach appeared.”
He added, “If she was pregnant, we would tell her as soon as possible.”
JJ and Julien Kang announced their relationship in May. A month later, they announced their engagement, garnering attention.
The couple’s wedding will be on May 10th next year.
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단 전재, 재배포 및 AI학습 이용 금지]
#Julien #Kang #pregnant.. #gaining #weight #stomach #coming